Demonstrate familiarity with different writing formats

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133558590

Assignment: Impactful Communications

Learning Outcomes:

I. Outcome I: Demonstrate familiarity with different writing formats in business and apply this in practice.
II. Outcome II: Illustrate the awareness of how to apply principles of instructive, persuasive, and informative writing.


Read the scenario below. Imagine you are the president of your sophomore class in university. Draft an Email to Maria Jones, the head of nutrition for Whole Foods asking for information and help to provide healthy food options for the university students.

I. Your message should be in formal Email format, as per class introduction.

II. You should apply the indirect style of writing. Slowly introduce the idea or ideas you have in mind. Use lead in expressions to start your statements.

III. You should use positive language and build goodwill, i.e., Congratulate her or her company, start on a positive note, etc.

IV. Include facts and statistics from your research to support your ideas, use at least one real world example to support your ideas

Case Study: A Request for Information Email

You are in your second year of university, and you are the class president. The university provides very few healthy food options in the cafeteria, and you would like that to be improved.

Draft an email to Maria Jones, Director of Nutrition for Whole Foods Supermarket chain. Ask Ms. Jones if she can provide you with information and assistance in asking your university Board of Directors to provide a larger variety of healthy alternatives to the junk food that is currently available in your school cafeteria. Also, you just saw in the news her company won a national supermarket award for the "The Least Amount of Food Wastage" in the USA. (Be specific).

Ask her to provide real-world examples and cases where a school has done this already and what improvements they witnessed. Ask her if she has any supporting data or information for reasons to do this to help you convince the School Board of Directors. In your letter include an example you found on the internet to provide an example where another school made healthy changes.

Also, ask her if she could come and speak to the University Board to persuade them to provide better food choices.

Conclude your email with a polite request to meet, set the date and time. (Write your action plan) .

Reference no: EM133558590

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