Demonstrate effective self-management in terms of planning

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM133817573 , Length: word count:4500

Business Dissertation

Assignment Dissertation: Executive Summary

Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding:
Demonstrate a critical understanding of the key issues in your subject area by appropriate current academic discourse and debate can be applied to integrate theory and practice to ensure specific objectives and targeted outcomes are informed by current research.

Demonstrate the following skills and abilities:

Demonstrate effective self-management in terms of planning, behavior, motivation, individual initiative and enterprise in order to meet the demands of a graduate of your subject area whilst taking responsibility for personal learning and continuous professional development. In so doing, apply current thinking in your subject area to deal with complex issues both systematically and creatively. Get Homework Help Now!

Your assessment is a 4500 words(+/- 10%) individual executive summary of your business dissertation and will be considered a comprehensive report on your findings and overall project context as well as learning gains.

Your executive summary is a concise explanation of your dissertation that includes:

1. A definition of topic area of your interest including research aim and objectives (1000 words)

2. A discussion and summation of the research findings (2500 words)

3. A reflection on the dissertation process and a recommendation on how you would do it differently (1000 words)

Please note that in order for the executive summary to be considered there are three staged submissions that each student is required to submit in weeks 5, 7, 9. These staged submissions must be included as Appendices in the final submission of the 2ndassessment. Furthermore, If there is no work submitted in the staged submissions then a viva may be triggered after submission of the executive summary. Attendance to the viva is compulsory as per University guidelines.

The staged submissions required are as below (Deadlines for each stage will be communicated by the unit coordinator):

1. Staged submission 1 in week 5: Chapter 2: literature review, 2,000words
2. Staged submission 2 in week 7: Chapter 3: Method of analysis,1,500 words
3. Staged submission 3 in week 9: Chapter 4: Analysis and Findings2000 words

Final Submission: The complete dissertation, an executive Summary (4,500 words) including introduction, a discussion and summation of the research findings, a reflection on the dissertation process and a recommendation on how you would do the dissertation differently.You must Include all three stages of submission literature review, method of analysis, analysis and findings in appendix A. Failure to do so will result a fail grade. All written staged submissions for this unit will be screened via a plagiarism checking software. Your dissertation will not be marked unless you have submitted/attended all activities (3 staged submissions and if required a check viva). Please note that a student, who cannot produce a piece of work for staged submissions, will be required to attend a viva at the end of the unit.

Your final assessment will be an individual business dissertation which will be a considered and comprehensive response to your research objectives agreed with your supervisor. It is an individual executive summary of your business dissertation and will be considered a comprehensive report on your findings and overall project context as well as learning gains.
Your executive summary is a concise explanation of your dissertation that includes:
1. A definition of topic area of your interest including research aim and objectives (1000 words)
2. A discussion and summation of the research findings (2500 words)
3. A reflection on the dissertation process and a recommendation on how you would do it differently (1000 words)

Reference no: EM133817573

Questions Cloud

What are challenges in maintaining transparency : What are challenges in maintaining transparency and accountability on the national level when it comes to security and intelligence.
What does the term neo-colonialism mean : Using materials from the documentary, The Great African Scandal and the lectures notes provide an example of how neo-colonialism operates in Africa.
Why does this training program or policy work : Why does this training program or policy work? Discuss the effectiveness of this initiative, if possible.
What are negative aspects of people retiring at a later age : What are the negative aspects of people retiring at a later age? How does this affect the society and the individual? Focus on the adult and elderly population.
Demonstrate effective self-management in terms of planning : MAR042-6 Business Dissertation - Demonstrate effective self-management in terms of planning, behavior, motivation, individual initiative and enterprise in order
What are the strengths and weaknesses of k-means : What are the various types of clusters and why is the distinction important? What are the strengths and weaknesses of K-means?
How the app will generate income : How the app will generate income? What the graphics will look like? What words and wording will be used? What the app will actually do?
Develop to leverage gis&t effectively in their leadership : Key competencies that governors and other high-level government leaders should develop to leverage GIS&T effectively in their leadership.
When a countrys currency appreciates is generally good news : When country's currency appreciates, is this generally good news or bad news for country's consumers? Is it generally good or bad news for country's businesses?


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