Demonstrate decision making and problem solving skills

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM133416615 , Length: 3300 words

Corporate Financial Management

Select a multinational company of your choice from the FTSE 100 index. Use the "Investor Relations" section of the website to download annual statements covering the most recent 5 year period. The report structure should be as follows:

1. Evaluate and discuss the financial performance of the company over the period of analysis. As a minimum you must cover the following:
a. General review of the income statements
b. Working capital management policy
c. Dividend policy
d. Historical share price performance

2. Estimate the share price of the company by means of the Dividend Discount and the Capital Asset Pricing models. For this task use the sensitivity analysis in relation to the variables which are hard to predict and/or accurately estimate. Relate the obtained result to the market estimate of the share price and comment on the reasons behind possible differences citing relevant theories.

3. Discuss the capital structure of the company using the company's balance sheet in the context of the Modigliani and Miller theories on capital structure and prepare a constructive critique of these theories. Your discussion should involve various balance sheet
items such total equity, total debt, and other relevant information.


Goal One: Be independent, reflective critical thinkers

1. Demonstrate awareness of their personal strengths and weaknesses through critical reflective practice.
2. Understand and challenge personal patterns of thinking and behaving.

Goal Two: Be culturally and ethically aware

1. Demonstrate their ability to work in diverse groups and teams.
2. Reflect on their own ethical values.

Goal Three: Have developed leadership and management capability

1. Demonstrate their personal contribution to team effectiveness.
3 2. Communicate complex issues effectively.
3 3. Demonstrate decision making and problem solving skills.
4. Carry out presentations and lead discussions.

Goal Four: Have developed and applied knowledge of international business and management theory

3 1. Acquire, interpret and apply knowledge of international business, management and organisational functions.

Goal Five: Have developed a range of research skills and project capabilities

1. Plan and complete a major individual piece of research on a contemporary business, management or leadership topic of their choice.

2. Demonstrate skills of analysis and synthesis in the application of research methods to the exploration of contemporary business issues.

Goal Six: Have developed specialist knowledge about the theory and practice of your programme of study

3 1. Demonstrate specialist functional knowledge in relation to your programme of study.

Attachment:- Corporate Financial Management.rar

Reference no: EM133416615

Questions Cloud

Discussed in this course and use that theory to develop : discussed in this course and use that theory to develop a plan of work with this family. You should discuss how that theory will guide your assessment
To what extent should race be used as plus factor : To what extent should race be used as a "plus factor" to promote racial diversity and viewpoint diversity, if at all? Is the "top 10 percent" a better approach?
Discuss at least two current laws that serve victims : Discuss at least two current laws (State or Federal) that serve victims of crimes, identifying the strengths and limitations of each. As a counselor/human
Supreme court ruling on the sparrow case : In relation to the Supreme Court ruling on the Sparrow Case, do you agree that there should be some instances when Aboriginal rights are overridden?
Demonstrate decision making and problem solving skills : Discuss the capital structure of the company using the company's balance sheet in the context of the Modigliani and Miller theories on capital structure
What are the pros and cons of using a mixed methods approach : what are the pros and cons of using a mixed methods approach? Cite a study which applied this structure and give a vague description of what this research
Why you have selected this method for this learner : Share a preference assessment method you have conducted with one of your learners. Describe the reasons why you have selected this method for this learner.
Define biological psychology, neurogenesis and explain : Define biological psychology, neurogenesis and explain why psychologists are interested in human biology. List the major components of the nervous system
Discuss a perception intervention you might use : How does your personality type impact your experience of this issue? Consider the strengths and weaknesses associated with personality types A, B, C and D.



5/14/2023 10:10:15 PM

Provide the assignment for CocaCola UK under FTSE100. - using last 5 years data and analysis from 2018 to 2022. APA style, references should be acceptable.

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