Reference no: EM132870327
Collage on Sickle Cell Disease
The purpose of this activity is to demonstrate critical thinking of how a single disease can affect multiple systems. A disease/disorder can disrupt other organ function, initiate a detection response from other systems, affect feedback loop systems, and/or cause other systems to respond for homeostasis purposes.
The communication is at the cellular level so explanations at the cellular level is expected in this activity. The collage is to be made on a PowerPoint Slide. Pictures can be found using search engines.
The CENTER of the collage should be a picture that demonstrates the pathophysiological phenomenon of sickle cell disease. Surrounding the center picture are other pictures showing manifestations or how processes from the various systems are affected.
The collage should have minimal word usage. Use a word document to provide explanations of how the manifestations or impinged system developed/occurred AND connect the pictures to the explanations.
***NOTE: Effects from treatments (pharmacological and non-pharmacological) are NOT allowed.The effect MUST come from the disease process. Each picture should have a written explanation. For example: if there is the main topic picture and 10 surrounding pictures, then 11 explanations are expected.
Bullet point each system explanation. Provide citations and include references.
The main topic narrative explanation must include the pathogenesis (how it developed) starting with cellular issues. Include in the explanation:
1. How cells became injured
2. DNA, genetic, chromosomal or epigenetic information related to topic
The surrounding pictures should be derived from the following systems. Systems that are bolded and underlined are required to be addressed on the collage. Go Clockwise (12:00 is the immune system):
1. Immune system
2. Neurological system
3. Endocrine System
4. Hematological system
5. Reproductive system (male or female)
6. Cardiovascular system
7. Pulmonary system
8. Renal/Urinary system
9. Digestive system
10. Musculoskeletal system
11. Integumentary system