Demonstrate critical thinking and reasoning skills

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Reference no: EM133250503

Demonstrate Critical Thinking and Reasoning Skills

As discussed in Topic 6 of your module, critical thinking and reasoning skills allow us to take control of our lives since we can think how to reason, solve problems, make decisions, and not let ourselves be pushed around by circumstances, emotions and other people.


  1. Use your critical thinking and reasoning skills to solve the following problem.

Samila is a mother of three children. Her husband works in China. He only returns home various times during the year. Samila looks after their two daughters and a son. She also has to care for her mother-in-law. She is lucky that she can leave her children with her mother-in-law when goes for work. Samila has no formal education and she sells vegetables at the village bus stop. She earns very little money, but even so, it makes an important contribution to the running of her household. She wishes she knew how to sew clothes, because then perhaps she would be able to make more money. There are jobs for domestic workers in town. However, she thinks that selling vegetables is better than leaving her children behind in the village to work as a domestic worker in town.

In your opinion, what are Samila's problems? How could she solve these problems?

  1. Write a report. Include the following in your report (350 - 400 words):
  2. Consider All Factors - List the different issues Samila should consider in making decisions for solving her problem.
  3. Reasoning - Make a decision for Samila and explain why that is a good decision for her. Feel free to make up the various circumstances in Samila's life - for example, whether Samila may attend some sewing classes or other courses to improve her skills. The more reasons you give for her decision, the better.
  4. Reflect: What is the critical thinking and reasoning process you have applied to make the decision for Samila?

Question 4

Demonstrate Creativity and Innovative Skills

As discussed in Topic 5 of your module, creativity is related to "imagination" and innovation is related to "implementation".


  1. Let's practice being creative and innovative. Identify or try to include elements/ideas which can be something you have done for your courses, while studying, at home, at the workplace or elsewhere as follows:
  2. ONE (1) element/idea that can be considered as creative
  3. ONE (1) innovative element/idea.

Question 5

Demonstrate Digital Literacy

As discussed in Topic 4 of your module, digital literacy encompasses ICT literacy, information literacy, media literacy and digital learning or technology-enhanced learning.


  1. As a student, you will be required to use information communication technology (ICT). Let's explore the digital skills through these activities:
    1. Access content and learning tools in the myINSPIRE, the learning management system (LMS) at Open University Malaysia.
    2. Search and evaluate the information on the topic of "Plastic Pollution" in the Google Search engine.
    3. Access, analyse and evaluate TWO (2) media (tv, video, magazine, blog, print, etc.) that provides information on the topic of "Plastic Pollution".
  1. Write a report using a table format. Include the following in your report (350 - 400 words):
    1. Technology-Enhance Learning: Use a table format, list down FIVE (5) tools and their respective functions that are available in myINSPIRE.
    2. Information Literacy: Screenshot the information that you have found on "Plastic Pollution". Use a table format, evaluate the information on the following criteria: authority, objectivity, reliability, and coverage.
    3. Media Literacy: Provide images or links of the TWO (2) media that you have accessed related to the topic of "Plastic Pollution". Analyse the content. Use a table format, evaluate the media on the following criteria: authority, objectivity, reliability, and coverage.

Question 6

Awareness of Global Citizenship Education and Environmental Challenges

As discussed in Topic 9 of your module, Global Citizenship Education (GCE) is about empowering you in building a more peaceful, tolerant, inclusive and secure society. While in Topic 10, you re-evaluate your position in the environment by discovering the environment, its benefits and the importance of conserving it.


  1. Read up about the benefits of Global Citizenship Education in resolving environmental issues based on the THREE (3) domains of learning, namely cognitive, socio-emotional and behaviour.
  2. Write an essay. Discuss how you can benefit from Global Citizenship Education in resolving "Plastic Pollution" issues based on the THREE (3) domains of learning, namely cognitive, socio-emotional and behaviour.
  3. Include the following in your essay (500 - 600 words, 2 - 3 pages only):
    1. Introduction - Provide an overview of what is Global Citizenship Education (GCE) and how you can benefit from it.
    2. Effects of GCE on "Plastic Pollution"- How have the THREE (3) domains of learning of GCE brought benefit to you in resolving the "Plastic Pollution" issue?
    3. Conclusion - Summarise and conclude your essay.
    4. References & In-text Citation - Cite the references and in-text citation according to the APA Citation Style.

Reference no: EM133250503

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