Reference no: EM133337875
On an Ubuntu VM, a partial tree diagram of two home directories of users: 'bob' and 'alice' is shown below. / at start of diagram is root directory; names ending with / are directories, rest are files.
'-- home/
|-- alice/
| '-- Documents/
| '--
'-- bob/
|-- report.pdf
'-- Downloads/
- bob has left the building. User alice has full control over bob's files and directories.
- User alice is in group 'manager' and user 'bob' is in group 'staff'.
- Before each question assume directory tree is as above; you are user alice in '/home/alice'.
1. Change permissions of file to "rw- r-- ---" so owner(user) can read and edit, group can read, while others get no permissions.
2. another command line and output to verify Q1 permissions were set as requested.
3. demonstrate command line to backup report.pdf into alice's Document's directory. What permissions should alice's Document's have for bob to backup report.pdf. Explain your answer.
4. demonstrate command line to add the current date and time to the end of '/var/log/today'. Assume user alice has write permission to write to directory '/var/log'.
5. Using absolute path, write the command line alice would use to give minimum pass-through permissions to alice's home directory for all users. Explain your reasoning.
6. Use find to list files in alice's home and sub-directories. Redirect errors to /dev/null
7. What are absolute paths? Give examples of absolute path. Describe situation(s) you encountered this semester when using absolute path over a relative path was recommended?