Reference no: EM13813142
To develop a program for the PIC 16F84A using the MPLAB v8 IDE simulator software. The program is to convert your student number (10 ASCII characters), one character at a time, to 74210 code. Each converted character is to be displayed on 5 LEDs connected to Port B (B0 to B4) of the microcontroller. Further, each converted character will be ON for 3 second and OFF for 1 second. Once all characters have been displayed the program will stop and the LEDs will be OFF.
• To describe your program using properly structured flowcharts (main program and subroutines).
• To demonstrate the use of subroutines, e.g. initialize the peripheral registers and to set the time delays, etc.
• To demonstrate ASCII code conversion.
• To demonstrate the use of indexed addressing to retrieve data from a table in memory.
• To describe the operation of the program in writing.
• To provide a properly formatted program listing (disassembly listing from MPLAD IDE).
• To use the MPLAB IDE software to assemble, run and debug the program.