Reference no: EM132105169 , Length: word count:2000
Write a report on one nominated case, highlighting key aspects of competitive strategy.
Demonstrate application of the following (where relevant to the chosen case): Business Strategy, Corporate Strategy, Acquisitions and Structure, International Strategy, Cooperative Strategy, with academic references
Guidelines to introduce in the case
Company: Otis
1. External analysis(500 words) You may incorporate strategical tools from the buttom into this part *****highlighted in baby blue color
- What is the industry
- General environmental Analysis (Pestle) *you don't need to use all pestle system most relevant to the company
- The Industry environment (porter's 5 forces and all)*if they use all porter's 5 okay if some most relevant to the company.
- Competitive Environment (Rivalry amongst main Players)
- Direct and Indirect Competition
- Opportunities and Threats
2. Internal Analysis (500 words) You may incorporate strategical tools from the buttom into this part *****highlighted in baby blue color
- The Firm Resources Tangibles and Intangibles
- Capabilities (firm might have few Capabilities)
- Core Competencies (the main Capability)
- Strength & weakness
- Value Chain Analysis (Primary and Support Activities)
3. Current Strategies & for what reason (500 words)
Future Strategies & Recommendations (500 words)
In this part 2 you will provide opinion relevant to capabilities and resources but your opinion must be realistic backed up example give a proof on why strategies are working or not working.
Choose only 4 Strategical Tools and use them in part 3
1. Business Strategy
2. Corporate Strategy
3. Merges &Acquisitions
4. Integration- Horizontal/Vertical
5. ANSOFF Matrix
6. Diversification -Related/Unrelated
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