Demonstrate an understanding of the process of job design

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131706694

Perspectives on Succession Planning

• Reflect on the readings for this unit and the research you did earlier in this unit.

• Explain the value of succession planning in public administration.

• Provide summaries of the historical examples of successes or failures in succession planning you located

• Explain what factors, in your opinion, contributed to those successes or failures.

Study 1 - Readings

• Barnett, R., & Davis, S. (2008). Creating greater success in succession planning. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 10 (5), 721-739.


Use the Internet and the Research library to locate two examples of the success or failure of succession planning in a public organization at the local, state, federal, or non-profit level. You will use these examples to support your position in a discussion later in this unit.

• Gill, F. (2013). Succession planning and temporality: The influence of the past and the future. Time & Society, 22(1), 76-91.

Unit 6 - Succession Planning - INTRODUCTION

Knowing that there are many diverse skills scattered among the staff of an organization, it is important for the human resources manager to appreciate the need for succession planning that assures the skills needed for the organization will not be lost if any employee leaves the organization. In this unit, you will approach succession planning as a survival technique.

Also in this unit, you will work on creating the job description section of your job design project complete with a classification plan that motivates the employee to become a high performer for your new service offering.

Finally, you will look at ethics when under pressure and appreciate the inputs that can cause a breakdown in morality and ethics on the job. Understanding pressures may help you guide others out of problems created by pressures.


To successfully complete this learning unit, you will be expected to:

1. Explore the ethics of public human resource management based on contemporary theories.

2. Demonstrate an understanding of the process of job design.

3. Demonstrate an understanding of the practice of succession planning in your organization to assure survivability.

Reference no: EM131706694

Questions Cloud

Is the employer required to arbitrate the matter : The employer argued that its duty to pay severance pay and its duty to arbitrate the claim for severance pay expired with the collective agreement.
What should the audit coordinator do : What should the audit coordinator do in order to solve this issue? Why is it necessary to continually update the skills database
Is howard johnson required to bargain with union : The union then sought arbitration of the question of the successor's obligations under the agreement; it filed a suit under Section 301 to compel Howard Johnson
Calculate the couple monthly mortgage payment : Calculate the couple's monthly mortgage payment based on the following repayment periods: 25 years, 20 years, 15 years.
Demonstrate an understanding of the process of job design : Explore the ethics of public human resource management based on contemporary theories. Demonstrate an understanding of the process of job design.
What is the formula for calculating the marginal cost : What is the formula for calculating the marginal cost? Explain why as the volume of production and sales increases total variable costs rise proportionately
Grievance arbitration in collective bargaining agreement : The company takes the position that both the no-strike clause and the provision for mandatory grievance arbitration contained in the collective bargaining.
Should the court enforce or vacate the arbitrator decision : HMC Management Corp., an apartment rental and management company, discharged two of its employees for substandard work performance.
Explain how each job is perceived to be unique unique : Job costing is a form of specific order costing and it is used when a customer orders a specific job to be done. Each job is priced separately and each job


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