Reference no: EM133132937 , Length: word count:2000
Choose organisation
1) One door mental health fellowship
2) Preventing marijuana use among youth and young adults
3) Child protection, health safety services
Assessment - Evaluation Report
This is the second part of Assessment 3 and done in conjunction with Part A. You are required to: Part Two - write a report critically reviewing, analysing, and evaluating your chosen mental health service agency in Australia. You must conduct your own research and analyse the agency's current services and frameworks in its mental health practice.
You must ensure you cover the following:
1. Analyse the community services theories and frameworks in your chosen mental health organisation.
2. Explain the application of community services professional practice and competencies within appropriate ethical and professional standards.
3. Demonstrate your knowledge on mental health and the community.
4. Analyse thoroughly the current mental health practice within Australia.
5. Critically analyse issues associated with mental health and vulnerable members of the community in Australia, considering relevant ethical considerations and give examples.
6. Assess the impacts of mental health issues on different community groups.
7. Demonstrate an understanding of the practice of mental health community work.
8. Report results/outcomes from the interview (Assessment 3A)
Use APA 7 referencing.
Assessment: Research Project
Recorded Interview with client - Case Study
You are a youth worker supporting young clients - you will need to research your organisation of choice as you will be using this throughout Assessment 3A and 3B and will be required to relate to the organisations:
1. Policies and procedures
2. Legal frameworks
3. Ethical requirements
4. Referral requirements (if necessary)
Prior to the interview - using the Case Study information below you must complete the necessary research to be able to Ben's needs.
Ben is a 16-year-old male who was diagnosed with schizophrenia one year ago. Ben presents at your organisation with his mother, Amy, who said she had to leave as she had four other children to take care of. Ben has high support needs and admits to using cannabis daily to self-medicate on top of his prescribed medication.
Ben is not participating in education or recreational activities and describes that he often feels lonely and helpless. Ben states that he would like to participate in more social activities and hopes to study in the future. Ben said that he knows his mother is feeling overwhelmed and that his stepdad doesn't help at all. Ben said that he got into a fight with his stepdad last week and that they haven't spoken since. Ben has presented with bruises on his face but when you asked, he said `they were nothing and that he didn't want to talk about it.'