Reference no: EM133733836 , Length: word count:3000
Learning Outcome 1: Demonstrate an understanding of key methodologies and tools for the analysis and design of business information systems.
Learning Outcome 2: Design data flow diagram(s), entity relationship(s), and process modelling for requirement analysis.
Learning Outcome 3: Develop, analyse, and diagnose object-oriented, and web-based system modelling using UML including user- centred design approach.
Learning Outcome 4: Demonstrate an understanding of the business rules and constraints into the systems design including data science and cyber security.
Assessment Description
Your report must follow the structure given below:
Executive Summary
It should summarize the key points of the Project.
Introduction has the following sections:
Background of Project: Explain the aims, objectives, and importance of the project. What problem you are solving.
Purpose: Explain the purpose of the Project.
Structure: Explain the structure of the Report.
Data Flow Diagrams
In this section you will produce a clear and concise context diagram, and at least four DFD level 0 or level 1etc. You will also describe your work and the information depicted in the diagrams.
UML Diagrams
In this section you will produce a clear and concise use case diagram, a class diagram and a sequence diagram. You will also describe your work and the information depicted in the diagrams.
Entity-Relationship Diagrams
In this section you will produce a clear and concise ER diagram of the system. You will also describe your work and the information depicted in the diagram.
. In this section you will apply 1NF, 2NF and 3NF to the ER system or subsystem. You will also explain the procedure.
References and Appendices
In Harvard referencing style
Students are required to keep a copy of all items submitted or completed for assessment or evaluation until the end of the grade appeal period.