Reference no: EM131327625
Overview of the subject
This subject explains how to approach research in business by effectively searching the literature, critically appraising evidence, and assessing its significance. It covers both qualitative and quantitative methods and the statistical principles required in sampling, hypothesis testing and making inferences. It also includes practice in posing research questions and presenting research reports. These skills are essential preparation for conducting research in business settings.
Detailed Description
An advanced body of knowledge that includes the understanding of recent developments in the specialisation and related areas of study.
Skills in critical thinking to identify and analyse current theories and developments and emerging trends in professional practice.
Communication and technical skills to analyse and theorise, contribute to professional practice or scholarship and present ideas to a variety of audiences.
Communication and technical skills to access and evaluate information resources, justify research approaches and interpret theoretical propositions.
Cognitive, technical and creative skills to investigate, analyse and synthesise complex information, concepts and theories, solve complex problems and apply established theories to situations faced in professional practice.
Informed appreciation and accountability for ethical practices, cultural sensitivity and social responsibility both personally and professionally.
Initiative, leadership skills and ability to work professionally and collaboratively to achieve team objectives across a range of team roles.
High level personal autonomy, judgement decision-making and accountability required to begin professional practice.
Quantitative & Qualitative Student Learning Outcomes
Listed below, are key knowledge and skills students are expected to attain by successfully completing this subject:
Subject Learning Outcomes
a) Analyse and apply a range of approaches to research, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses and the situations in which they can be most suited.
b) Use a variety of statistical methods to make inferences about business data and solve business problems.
c) Analyse the uses and abuses of statistics in business. Illustrate how statistics can be misused in business.
d) Demonstrate the capacity to search and critically review the literature, appraise the significance of evidence relating to a research topic, draw conclusions about the evidence and make suggestions about further research.
e) Develop the skills for posing research questions, writing a research proposal, writing a research report and presenting conclusions.
Topic covered in each week
Very brief introduction to the major quantitative methods of summarising data and finding percentiles
Introduction to quantitative methods estimates and inferences using sample proportion
Data collection and analysis, Questionnaires, interviews, focus groups,
Standard deviation
Introduction to estimation and hypothesis testing using sample means
Key features of quantitative methods
Examples of quantitative research used in business Research ethics
Research problems and questions in business Qualitative methods
The difference between qualitative and quantitative methods
Referencing and report writing
A complete example of a hypothesis test
Analysis of variance Chi squared tests
Confidence intervals Regression and correlation
Complete notes on confidence intervals Introduction to the test of the difference between means
Introduction to simple regression
Introduction chi squared test of independence
Complete notes on the chi squared test of independence
Complete discussion of 2 sample tests
Note: the chapter 10.4 exam question is simple enough to work out without reading the chapter
Linear relationships (complete notes simple linear regression including confidence intervals and hypothesis tests)
The advanced theory of hypothesis testing
Investigating relationships (complete notes on multiple linear regression including confidence intervals and hypothesis tests)
Assessment 1
This assessment is designed to allow students to demonstrate their ability to present, summarise and manipulate sample data, make basic statistical inferences, interpret the results in a business context using statistical software packages and techniques, and identify problems and solutions. This assessment relates to Learning Outcome a, b and c.
Assessment 2
To allow students to demonstrate an understanding of statistical analysis and the ability summarise and manipulate sample data, make basic statistical inferences and interpret the results in a business context. This assessment contributes to Learning Outcome a, b, and c.
Topic: What do the figures mean?
Task Details: Students will be presented with a set of numerical data, and a business scenario. From this you will need to present, summarise and manipulate sample data, make basic statistical inferences and interpret the results. The analysis and conclusions drawing form the analysis then needs to be presented in a short report including all relevant analysis either as part of the report or as attachments referred to in appropriate sections of the report.
Further detail will be provided during the trimester.
Assessment 3
Literature Review on a research question - 2500 + 10% word report - group assessment
Purpose: To allow students to demonstrate their ability to pose a research question and write a critical literature review. This contributes to Learning Outcomes a, b, c, d and e.
Task Details: Students will be given specific readings about a research topic. Students will need to compare and contrast what the two given authors say, and review additional research on the same topic.
Presentation: 2500 + 10% word critical review - Word .doc or .docx
Title page, executive summary, table of contents, appropriate headings and sub-headings, recommendations/findings/conclusions, in-text referencing and reference list (Harvard - Anglia style), attachments if relevant. Single spaced, font Times New Roman 12pt, Calibri 11pt or Arial 10pt.