Reference no: EM131240980 , Length: word count:1500
There are many sections to stage two of the assignment, it will be easiest if you start with section 5 and 6, Then do section 4 , section 4 needs you to do many things with excel and webpages so detailed instructions for section 4 this are given on page 5 to 15 of this document
Bus 701 statistical modelling assignment course description and task instructions course descriptions
Assessment Type: Statistical Modelling Assignment - analysis and 1500 + 10% word report - individual assessment
Purpose: To allow students to demonstrate an understanding of statistical analysis and the ability summarise and manipulate sample data, make basic statistical inferences and interpret the results in a business context. This assessment contributes to Learning Outcome a, b, and c.
Values and due dates
Stage 1 worth 5% of the final grade, moodle quizzes due week 6
Stage 2 worth 5% of the final grade, moodle quizzes due week 7
Stage 3 worth 10% of the final grade, A report due week 8
Further detail Submission: Report (Word .doc or .docx) with analysis tables etc. as attachments - upload to KOI's Moodle subject homepage Topic: What do the figures mean? Task Details: Students will be presented with a set of numerical data, and a business scenario. From this you will need to present, summarise and manipulate sample data, make basic statistical inferences and interpret the results. The analysis and conclusions drawing form the analysis then needs to be presented in a short report including all relevant analysis either as part of the report or as attachments referred to in appropriate sections of the report. Further detail will be provided during the trimester.
Presentation: The report needs to be short report format - 1500 + 10% word report format - Word .doc or .docx Presentation details will be advised during the trimester.
Instructions for stage 3 , All
Overview: Each student will be given a sample from a large population and each student will analyse their own sample. the data and a short description of the data is given in a separate excel file
Students have to answer Many sections (sections 0, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) all answers must go into a single word file.
Section 0: Cover sheet
You do need a cover sheet with the following
Student number, (this is very important it lets the marker check you have used numbers based on your student
Assignment: Statistical modelling
Section 1: Introduction
Give an introduction to the assignment, part of your answer should paraphrase the following
"A that company makes a snack food has gathered data from its customers, as well general summaries of the data it wants following two Hypotheses to be answered
1) Is the proportion of people that prefer version 1 significantly different to 50%
2) Is the amount people are willing to pay significantly different to $2 "
Note that the word significant has a very specific meaning and it is totally unacceptable to replace the word "significant" with a synonym such as "important".
Section 2 : the problems of getting survey data in the real world
The data set in the assignment is not real world data
Discuss the problems of getting survey data in the real world, also discuss ethics you need to consider when gathering survey data. Also give an example of a real world product and give suitable survey questions.
You do not need to discuss why real world data was not used, every student needs their own sample to prevent copying and comparing different samples helps students understand the main concept in statistics the "sampling distribution of an estimate"
Section 3: Description of the data set
Describe the dataset and describe each of the variables,
For each variable answer the question is it categorical or numerical?
Section 4:Summary of the data set
Use the filter given in the data to find your sample and use excel or suitable webpages such as
to do the following.
a) For each variable below give a graphical and numerical summaries that describes the variable
(in other words give the appropriate univariate statistics and graphical displays)
i) variable: Income
ii) Variable: How much they would pay?
Also provide give appropriate comments
b) For each pair of variables below give appropriate graphical and numerical summaries that describes the variable (in other words give the appropriate bivariate statistics and graphical displays)
i)The variables: Gender and "do they like the product"
ii)The variables "How much they would pay?"and gender
Also provide appropriate comments
Section 5
5a) Find a 95% confidence interval for the proportion of people that prefer version 2
5b) Just considering the people that like the product , find a 95% confidence interval for the mean of the variable "How much they would pay".
Every student will have a different sample so they will use different summary statistics
To find your sample download the data set
Note: The easiest way to do confidence intervals using word is a find a similar question in the week 5 material , cut and paste it into your assignment and change the numbers
Section 6 simple Hypothesis tests
6a) Test the claim proportion that prefer version 2 is different to 50%
6b) Just considering the people that like the product.
Test the claim the mean of the variable "How much they would pay" different to $2
Use the same information you used in section 5a and 5b
The easiest way to do hypothesis testing using word is a similar question in the week 6 material cut and paste it inot your assignment and change the numbers
Section 7 discuss the disadvantages of quantitative methods
What sort of questions are impossible to answer with close ended questions? In which circumstances do you need to use qualitative research?
Section 8: conclusion
Discuss what you learnt after thinking about the previous sections. Make sure you give a discussion of the results from section 6.