Demonstrate advanced written communication skills

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM132514358

ICT705 Data and System Integration - University of Southern Queensland

Case Study: Overseas Shipping Logistics Ltd

Assignment tasks

This assignment consists of two deliverables:
1. Demonstration code - demonstrating the principles of data merging, RESTful Web Services and Mashups
2. Integration report - explaining the principles of data merging, RESTful Web Services and Mashups and applying them to the case study organisation

Demo code

There are three major components in the demo system:
• Data integration demo. In this demo, there are two data source files:
• "owid-covid-data.csv" contains COVID-19 statistical data from over 200 countries for dates ranging from the 31st December 2019 to 30th March 2020*. You may like to download the latest file from Our World in Data - Coronavirus Source Data,
• "Country_location.xml" contains country location coordinates for each country.

• Before importing the COVID-19 data into Python you are required to:
i. Choose 15 countries from the "owid-covid-data.csv" dataset you think would be applicable to the case study,
ii. Retain the most current day's statistics for each of these 15 countries,
iii. Add 2 or 3 extra columns to your dataset. These columns will contain other 2 or 3 other interesting statistics of your choosing for each of your
selected countries (you will need to do some quick research on the countries you choose to include)
iv. Populate these extra columns with the statistics you research for each country
v. Save this new dataset into a new .csv file which you can import into Python
• Create a Python scrip file with the name ""
• This Python script will use the Python petl framework to:
i. Import your new CSV and "Country_location.xml" files into Python. HINT: hard-to-find code to import this XML file using petl - etl.fromxml('Country_location.xml', './/tr', ('th', 'td'))
ii. Merge the country geolocation data from the XML file with the COVID- 19 data, and
iii. Export the merged data as a .csv file named "covid_countries.csv"

• RESTful Web service server demo. In this demo, you are required to build a RESTful Web service
• This Web Service requires the Python bottle and petl frameworks
• This Web Service server accepts a ‘getcountry' query from the client browser similar to "/getcountry?country=xxxx",
• The server Web Service will return a JSON object to the client with all the attributes required by the client browser.
HINT: the data will be returned as a Json / Dictionary object - etl.cut(datatable, "data", "data", "etc", "etc", "etc").dicts()[0]
HINT: in order for your code to return the JSON object to an AJAX request insert the following code before returning the JSON object - response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' response.headers['Content-type'] = 'application/json'
• The data for this JSON object will be retrieved from the "covid_countries.csv" file created in component 1.
• A Python scrip file with the name "" will contain this RESTful Web Service server demo.
• Mashup demo. In this demo, you are required to build a mashup application
• Your HTML page accepts a country name as the input. If the country can be found in your dataset, then its location is displayed in Google Map. (See sample Mashup figure 1),
• A HTML file "country_map.html" should be implemented.
• In this file, a text field is provided at the page top to accept user's input of country name.
• In addition, a Submit button will trigger an AJAX "getcountry" Web Service GET query to retrieve the country's corresponding latitude, longitude and other country specific data, and highlight and centre the location in Google map.

• In addition to highlighting the country's positon on the map, a user is able to click on the marker bubble and see an information window containing country specific COVID-19 information and 2 to 3 other country statistics you have included in your dataset.

Integration Report

In addition to the above demo code you are required to include a Report explaining the key concepts around the demo design and implementation.

Your report should follow the following template:

Executive Summary Table of Contents
Table of Figures (if needed) Table of Tables (if needed)
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
Key System Concepts
Data Cleaning & Merging
RESTful Web Services
Mashup Design
4.0 Demo Running Instructions
5.0 Conclusion & Recommendations Reference List
Appendices (if needed)

Please address the following in your report:
• Outline the theory and technologies under each of the headings.
• Explain how these technologies can be applied by OSL. Outline the difficulties, advantages and disadvantages to OSL. Give examples in addition to the COVID-19 application,
• Explain how to run your code and the principles behind each step - you may use screenshots of Mashups, etc. if you wish,
• Reflect on your journey as you developed the demonstration - the problems you faced, how you researched and found answers.

Attachment:- Data and System Integration.rar

Reference no: EM132514358

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Python Programming Questions & Answers

  Write a python program to implement the diff command

Without using the system() function to call any bash commands, write a python program that will implement a simple version of the diff command.

  Write a program for checking a circle

Write a program for checking a circle program must either print "is a circle: YES" or "is a circle: NO", appropriately.

  Prepare a python program

Prepare a Python program which evaluates how many stuck numbers there are in a range of integers. The range will be input as two command-line arguments.

  Python atm program to enter account number

Write a simple Python ATM program. Ask user to enter their account number, and print their initail balance. (Just make one up). Ask them if they wish to make deposit or withdrawal.

  Python function to calculate two roots

Write a Python function main() to calculate two roots. You must input a,b and c from keyboard, and then print two roots. Suppose the discriminant D= b2-4ac is positive.

  Design program that asks user to enter amount in python

IN Python Design a program that asks the user to enter the amount that he or she has budget in a month. A loop should then prompt the user to enter his or her expenses for the month.

  Write python program which imports three dictionaries

Write a Python program called which imports three dictionaries, and uses the data in them to calculate how many hours each person has spent in the lab.

  Write python program to create factors of numbers

Write down a python program which takes two numbers and creates the factors of both numbers and displays the greatest common factor.

  Email spam filter

Analyze the emails and predict whether the mail is a spam or not a spam - Create a training file and copy the text of several mails and spams in to it And create a test set identical to the training set but with different examples.

  Improve the readability and structural design of the code

Improve the readability and structural design of the code by improving the function names, variables, and loops, as well as whitespace. Move functions close to related functions or blocks of code related to your organised code.

  Create a simple and responsive gui

Please use primarily PHP or Python to solve the exercise and create a simple and responsive GUI, using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.Do not use a database.

  The program is to print the time

The program is to print the time in seconds that the iterative version takes, the time in seconds that the recursive version takes, and the difference between the times.

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