Reference no: EM132668488
BIZ101 Business Communications - Laureate International Universities
Topic - Using Social Media in the workplace to communicate
Report Outline and Source Analysis
Learning Outcome 1: Demonstrate academic skills appropriate to the level of study.
Learning Outcome 2: Demonstrate research skills and referencing appropriate to the level of study.
Learning Outcome 3: Critically analyse texts and/or multi- modal material in both a business and academic context.
Learning Outcome 4: Evaluate the use and importance of technology in presenting business communication
Assessments 2 and 3 for this subject relate to the topic of implementing a digital communication strategy in an organization. Choose one of the topics below as the focus for your assignments:
A. Using Social Media in the workplace to communicate
B. Communicating companywide employee recognition
C. Boosting workplace motivation through innovative communication tools
D. Implementing instant messaging/group messaging, discussion forums and chatrooms in the workplace
E. Podcasts, internal blogs/vlogs as a means to communicate to employees
F. Using an internal intranet/social Intranet for employee interaction
Instructions for the Report Outline and Resource Analysis:
The Report Outline is a plan of the report you are going to write for Assessment 2B. The report outline tells the reader what to expect from the report.
The Report Outline tells the reader:
- The purpose of the report (what it will be about, what questions will be answered)
- The structure of the report (what sections or parts will be included in the report)
- The purpose of each of the different parts of the report
- Four research sources you will use to research information for the report, why they are relevant to the topic, and why they are credible.
Task Summary
Using the sources from Assessment 2A Source Analysis, explain your topic's communication technology, its uses, advantages and disadvantages. Identify the factors which will need to be considered for its implementation, as well as your recommendations, to complete your report.
Your ability, as a professional, to use modern communication technologies to improve business practices is critical for business success. Equally important is your ability to write well-structured business reports to communicate your ideas and recommendations to a range of stakeholders. This assessment task requires you to demonstrate these abilities, in the context of communication technologies, in preparation for your professional future practice.
Task Instructions
To complete this assessment task:
1. Using the report format you have studied, analyse your topic's communication technology, its uses, advantages and disadvantages. Identify the factors which will need to be considered for its implementation in an organisation, as well as your recommendations.
• Both Assessment 2A Source Analysis and Assessment 2B Written Report must be on the same topic.
2. Integrate the four (4) sources from your Assessment 2A Source Analysis into your Written Report analysis.
• For instance, you may decide to use each source for a different section or a combination of sources in a section.
• Ensure that you use headings for each new idea to clearly communicate your ideas and give the reader a pathway to understand your written report.
3. Conduct any additional research as needed to support your line of reasoning.
4. Follow APA style for citing and referencing all your sources.
It is expected that you will demonstrate in your Written Report:
• A comprehensive and clear understanding of the topic you have chosen.
• Evidence of research and application of reliable and relevant evidence to support your line of reasoning.
• Critical analysis and the ability to develop coherent written arguments.
• Effective communication in the form of professional writing skills presented in a report format.
• Show that you understand and are able to use in-text citation and referencing skills following APA style format.
Attachment:- Report Outline and Source Analysis.rar