Demonstrate ability to critically analyze your observations

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM131963908


Learning is enhanced by reflecting on and explicating what you have learned. To this end, you will submit a learning journal twice during the course-once at the midpoint and again at the end of the course. The journal is an individual assignment.


Write a 1-2 page reflection of the group project (e.g., insights you plan to apply beyond the course, challenges that arose and how you overcame them, revisions you would make to either section of the Requirements Document).

Your paper should be single-spaced, 1" margins, 12-point font.

You will receive up to 5 points for timely completion of this assignment. The process of thinking through and creating the journal entry is the learning exercise-and as such, the journal entry will not be assessed.

You will be expected to:

• Address all the questions noted above
• Demonstrate an ability to critically analyze your observations, applying knowledge gained through this course
• Produce a coherent paper following the expectations on grammar and form

The project should talk about is the tech part; the group4 final biz part is our tech biz case.

Group Challenge:

1.Figure out the difference of quire data and storage data
2.A lot of combination tools with hadoop system we need to figure out the best one for the group
3.Make more than 15 times changes about the primary data lake configuration.

Reference no: EM131963908

Questions Cloud

What different styles of communication are most prominent : What different styles of communication are most prominent in the workplace in each culture. First slide on the culture of Asia.
What kind of constituent service would you be likely to do : What kind of constituent service would you be likely to do? What kind of "home style" would you create (and how?)
How well you reflect on the listening experience : You will be graded on how well you reflect on the listening experience as well as overall use of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Develop two objectives designed to achieve the program : Identify a nonprofit that provides a program related to a societal concern you are interested in.
Demonstrate ability to critically analyze your observations : Demonstrate an ability to critically analyze your observations, applying knowledge gained through this course. Address all the questions noted above.
Relationship between returns and market portfolio : FINC340 Investment - Relationship between returns and market portfolio; characteristic line and beta factor; residual variance; correlation and coefficient
Do you think that chinese citizens will eventually find : Given the measures that the Chinese government has taken on censoring information on the internet and social media.
Analyze the financial ratios mentioned in the textbook : Analyze the 12 financial ratios mentioned in the textbook and determine which is the most useful to the greatest number of small businesses. Explain your ration
Association between gender and candidate preference : Say you have the following set of hypotheses: Ho= There is no association between gender and candidate preference


Write a Review

Strategic Management Questions & Answers

  Critically evaluate the strategic development direction

Analyse the strategic decision made by Whirlpool. Discuss carefully how the company initiated successful decisions and how each strategic level has been considered to compete in the market.

  Implementation phase of strategic management

Identify at least three ways that company culture impacts the strategic plan. Provide one example using a company with a distinctive culture.

  Evaluate the firms corporate ethics responsibility policy

Evaluate the firm's Corporate Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Policy. What expectations are presented in the policy?

  Summarize research on goals from managing multiple goals

What are three (3) personal or career goals that you would like to accomplish in the next three to twelve months? Based on the information presented.

  Issues of logistics department would likely encounter

What are the issues of logistics department would likely encounter if faced with product recalls - Do you feel it would be possible to utilize drones as part

  Describe how operations management strategy

Describe how operations management strategy, design and operating functions are performed by your chosen firm/organization and apply tools and techniques that you have learned from the textbook to analyse the following areas:

  Strategic planning and management

Strategic Planning and Management- identify some of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to the organization as it considers its future business goals

  How do global social values affect resource allocation

How do global social values affect resource allocation and the measurement process in a company's implementation of its strategic plan?

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of your strategy

Based on your understanding of the 5 strategies below , choose the strategy you believe best fits your negotiating style. What are the advantages and disadvantages of your strategy?

  Mitigating risk in transportation costs

Discuss how accounting, economic, and social costs can be used in transportation to mitigate risks associated with these costs - Analyze how the company's focus can impact these costs and impact risks.

  Derive the strategies that survive the idsds

Derive the strategies that survive the IDSDS. Derive the strategies that survive the iterative deletion of weakly dominated strategies.

  What is panera bread''s strategy? which of the five generic

What is Panera Bread's strategy? Which of the five generic competitive strategies discussed in Chapter 5 most closely fit the competitive approach that Panera Bread is taking? What type of competitive advantage is Panera Bread trying to achieve?

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