Demonstrable evidence of mastery of data analytics

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM133693489 , Length: word count:8000

Assignment -Report writing


This assessment must be completed within your existing group. Individual work submissions will not be accepted.

This document only contains the description of assignment tasks. To see the due date and submit the work, please go to the separate.

In this assignment, your team continues with the full implementation of the data analytics methodology proposed by your team in the previous Group Project Presentation. The implementation should address the project objective that your team aims for (refer to the Project and Data Brief document) and be in accordance with your Group Project Plan.

You must address the essential objectiveand desirable objectives of the project(see the Project and Data Brief).


What you do in this assessment is dictated by:

1) The objectives set out in the Project and Data Brief document

2) The scope of work outlined in your Group Project Plan

3) The methodology proposed in your Group Project Presentation

Any change or improvement to the methodology is permitted at this stage but must be explained and justified in this report.

Specifically, your instructor is looking for demonstrable evidence of mastery of data analytics and data visualisation topics that are taught throughout this semester (except Week 12). Although there are plentiful machine learning models available in Python libraries, it is preferred that you use the models taught in this unit to produce well-articulated and in-depth analyses.

Individual team members must demonstrate competencies in Python programming to obtain a passing grade in this assessment. If in doubt, your instructor may conduct further investigations.

The main deliverable is a written report that needs to have the following basic structure:

1) Title page, table of contents, and list of figures
2) Problems
3) Methods
4) Results
5) Discussions
6) Conclusion
7) List of references
8) Brief descriptions of individual contributions(Please assume A,B,C AND D as we are group of four)

Submit this assignment using the separate Turnitin submission link in the same folder as this assignment description.

Reference no: EM133693489

Questions Cloud

What is highest amount spent by a customer in a single order : What's the highest amount spent by a customer in a single order? What's the average price of products ordered by customer C002?
Describe different evangelistic methods : Do you think they all have some merits and some drawbacks? Explain, analyzing specific elements of the methods as you compare them.
Which tools you will use to do it : Your plan should include what you are looking for, which tools you will use to do it, and which team members will do it.
Educational process may be similar across settings : While the general educational process may be similar across settings. Each setting or context of learning comes with its own barriers unique
Demonstrable evidence of mastery of data analytics : PRT564 Data Analytics and Visualisation, Charles Darwin University - Demonstrable evidence of mastery of data analytics and data visualisation topics
Write an if-else statement that compares the strings : Write an if-else statement that compares the strings: If both strings have the same value, output 'Same ASCII values'.
Relationship between the old and new testaments : The life of the Church in authentic interpretation of scriptures, faith and reason, or the relationship between the Old and New Testaments.
Develop tabletop simulation exercise that allow participants : Develop a tabletop simulation exercise that will allow participants at Callego to manage an evolving incident involving one of the two recent developments.
What would be missing from our understanding of the trinity : What would be missing from our understanding of the Trinity if John's Gospel was not included in the canon?



5/14/2024 3:33:33 AM

Final report continuation of previous 2 assignments Its a report writing of no more than 8,000 words. along with Python programming there is a final report that needs to be done.This report is continuation of presentation and assignment 1 which was done by expert.Can you also please share ppt file to same expert with changes we made in presentation. If you need anything related to previous assignment-excel file containing data,assignment 1 reports.Pls let me know.All should be with expert as far I know.You can check and let me know.Also for this report writing refer to algorithm 1-11,and produce more results to meet project objectives

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Python Programming Questions & Answers

  Write a python program to implement the diff command

Without using the system() function to call any bash commands, write a python program that will implement a simple version of the diff command.

  Write a program for checking a circle

Write a program for checking a circle program must either print "is a circle: YES" or "is a circle: NO", appropriately.

  Prepare a python program

Prepare a Python program which evaluates how many stuck numbers there are in a range of integers. The range will be input as two command-line arguments.

  Python atm program to enter account number

Write a simple Python ATM program. Ask user to enter their account number, and print their initail balance. (Just make one up). Ask them if they wish to make deposit or withdrawal.

  Python function to calculate two roots

Write a Python function main() to calculate two roots. You must input a,b and c from keyboard, and then print two roots. Suppose the discriminant D= b2-4ac is positive.

  Design program that asks user to enter amount in python

IN Python Design a program that asks the user to enter the amount that he or she has budget in a month. A loop should then prompt the user to enter his or her expenses for the month.

  Write python program which imports three dictionaries

Write a Python program called which imports three dictionaries, and uses the data in them to calculate how many hours each person has spent in the lab.

  Write python program to create factors of numbers

Write down a python program which takes two numbers and creates the factors of both numbers and displays the greatest common factor.

  Email spam filter

Analyze the emails and predict whether the mail is a spam or not a spam - Create a training file and copy the text of several mails and spams in to it And create a test set identical to the training set but with different examples.

  Improve the readability and structural design of the code

Improve the readability and structural design of the code by improving the function names, variables, and loops, as well as whitespace. Move functions close to related functions or blocks of code related to your organised code.

  Create a simple and responsive gui

Please use primarily PHP or Python to solve the exercise and create a simple and responsive GUI, using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.Do not use a database.

  The program is to print the time

The program is to print the time in seconds that the iterative version takes, the time in seconds that the recursive version takes, and the difference between the times.

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