Democracy the best form of government

Assignment Help Public Economics
Reference no: EM13948960

Readings: Please read the PS 101 Introduction document (below) and chapters 1 in the course text (Lowi). In addition, there is a short video clip on the US government ("The American Form of Government).

Discussion In a 250-word post, please answer or respond to one of the following sets of questions (you only need to answer one of the numbered questions). Please post your response by Thursday. You will need to respond to at least one of your classmates' posts by Sunday (100 words). If you use outside sources, including the textbook, you need to cite those sources. Also, make sure that you proofread your posts, and your responses to your classmates, for spelling or grammatical mistakes, There is a sample post available in the Course Documents folder.

1) Is democracy the best form of government? What are its main flaws or drawbacks as a system of government?
2) What are the most significant free rider problems that the U.S. currently faces? What steps can the federal government take to reduce or eliminate those issues?
3) what is the difference between a democracy and a republic? Which concept best describes the U.S.?
4) Have Americans delegated too much authority or power to their elected officials?
5) Are governments rational? Does all political behavior have a purpose? Cite examples to illustrate your points.

Reference no: EM13948960

Questions Cloud

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Democracy the best form of government : Readings: Please read the PS 101 Introduction document (below) and chapters 1 in the course text (Lowi). In addition, there is a short video clip on the US government ("The American Form of Government).
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