Demand for automobiles - foreign vs domestic

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM13544978

Provide statistical results by using STATA and interpretations.

Topic is Demand for Automobiles: Foreign vs Domestic.

For the STATA results, please provide the following topics:

1. Data

2. Hypothesis Testing

3. Simple Linear Regression with Ordinary Least Squares (OLS)

4. Multiple Linear Regression

5. Functional Form

6. Dummy Variables

7. General Linear F-Tests

8. Multicollinearity

9. Heteroskedasticity and Autocorrelation

Additionally, for the STATS results, please name the explanatory variables properly (do not use X1, X2, ...)

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Reference no: EM13544978

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Demand for automobiles - foreign vs domestic : Provide statistical results by using STATA and interpretations - Topic is Demand for Automobiles: Foreign vs Domestic.
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