Demand chain and supply chain process

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM13491372

You will prepare a report analysing a selected value chain (same as your group presentation company). You will identify and analyse the elements of the value chain and understand how they must interact to create value for the organisation. The details and the structure of the report are described as follows: Customer-focused companies benefit from analysing their value chain as the process allows them to understand customer expectations, purchasing responses, product-service use, and accept that they are unlikely themselves to possess all of the resources to service customer needs. When conducting a value chain analysis, customers and their characteristics are studied, and their needs and wants identified. These expectations form the basis for the demand chain.

A supply chain design must be cost effective and respond to the expectations of the demand chain and the value proposition. Together, the demand chain and supply chain process and management comprise the value chain. The purpose of this assessment is to identify and analyse elements of the value chain and understand how they must interact to create value for the organisation.

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Reference no: EM13491372

Questions Cloud

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Define which one has the highest boiling point and why : Hex-1-ene, 2-methylpent-2-ene, 2,3-dimethylbut-2-ene, (Z)-hex-2-ene, (E)-hex-2-ene Which one has the highest boiling point and why
Estimate the magnitude of the net electric field : Four point charges have the same magnitude of 2.8 x 10^-12 C and are fixed to the corners of a square that is 7.1 cm on a side. Determine the magnitude of the net electric field
Determine the kinetic energy of the electron : A single electron orbits a lithium nucleus that contains three protons (+3e). The radius of the orbit is 2.84 x 10^-11m. Determine the kinetic energy of the electron
Demand chain and supply chain process : Purpose of assessment is to identify and analyse elements of the value chain and understand how they must interact to create value for the organisation.
Compute pittman company break-even point : Assume that Pittman Company decides to continue selling through agents and pays the 20% commission rate. Determine the volume of sales that would be required to generate the same net income as contained in the budgeted income statement for next ye..
What frequency does the bat hear in the reflected wave : A bat flies toward a wall at a speed of 5.5 m/s. As it flies, the bat emits an ultrasonic sound wave with frequency 29.0 kHz. What frequency does the bat hear in the reflected wave
Explain acid catalyzed hydration of alkenes : Which one of these, E1, addition of H-X to alkenes, SN2, SN1, or acid catalyzed hydration of alkenes, does not have a reactive intermediate carbocation and why
How far would the lower end move toward the sphere : A large mountain can slightly affect the direction of "down" as determined by a plumb line. How far would the lower end move toward the sphere


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