Delivering good news and neutral news messages

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133174577

Delivering Good News and Neutral News Messages. 

Part A:  Claim Letter

Instructions: Read the Claim Letter below and revise the letter to improve it.  Currently, the letter Claim Letter has the following weakness:

  • Uses inductive outline
  • treats routine claim as a bad-news message
  • request buried  in the 3rd paragraph
  •  too much explanation; stick to the what contract says
  •  includes cliché, eliminate it. Yesterday evening I stopped by the construction site of the apartments you are under contract to build. You appear to be well ahead of schedule.

According to our agreement, all requests and complaints are to be made in writing. I noticed that water heaters had been installed in two of the apartments. The units are 30-gallon heaters, but the specs call for 50-gallon heaters in each of the 12 apartments.

For some families, the smaller size may be sufficient; but others may need the larger size. Because the larger size is specified in the agreement we signed, I respectfully request that the two 30-gallon units be removed and that 50-gallon water heaters be installed in all the apartments. 

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

Reference no: EM133174577

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