Delivering an effective bad-news message

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133190039

Answer one (1) of the following prompts:

  • Describe two or three techniques you can apply when delivering an effective bad-news message and why each is important.
  • Discuss two or three strategies you can utilize when writing or speaking to persuade others to accept your point of view.
  • Discuss at least two DOs and two DON'Ts for writing a convincing and effective formal report.
  • Explain the difference between primary research and secondary research. Include how each is used in gathering information for research.
  • Provide at least two ways graphics can be used to increase the effectiveness of a presentation and two ways graphics can hinder a presentation's effectiveness?

250-350 words APA format

Reference no: EM133190039

Questions Cloud

Make formal business agreement : Confirm agreements you negotiated in Activity B in writing according to organisational requirements usin, formal contract.
Calculate the material usage mix variance : In its financial year 2021, Green Ltd produced 600 units of product "Z46", using: 1,890 kg of material J. Calculate the material usage mix variance
Execute an appraisal of select group : Execute an appraisal of Select Group based on requirements stipulated in the BE Framework (2017 version) sub-category 5.2 "Process Management," and indicate how
What are your hindrances : What are your hindrances and how will you address these hindrances, What are your motivations, What can be your biggest contribution in this class
Delivering an effective bad-news message : Describe two or three techniques you can apply when delivering an effective bad-news message and why each is important.
Compute the required balance for the allowance : Pay-option ARM loans with accumulated negative amortization $9 million - Compute the required balance for the allowance
What risks are associated with trusting employees : What risks are associated with trusting employees to make their own decisions, Do you think the benefits outweigh these risks
What are the most important ideas about leadership : What are the most important ideas about leadership, How would you apply these competencies and behaviors personally, important things about being a leader
Ethical considerations in situation : Using the formula in this chapter, a researcher determines that at the 95 percent confidence level, a sample of 2,500 is required to satisfy a client's requirem


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