Delete all sub-directories within

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM13161717

Section II. Now it is your turn to create the Python program which creates a structure of folders within the Raspberry Pi.

  1. Delete all sub-directories within "temp" directory if not empty.
  2. In Python program change the current working directory to [temp].
  3. Display the current working directory (using os.getcwd)
  4. Create a python program to create the following directory structure.
  5. Create the directory folders below the [temp] directory.

                              [home dir]    #This is your home directory (i.e. ~)


                                [temp]        # this is the directory to be created below ~

                              /           \

                 [Winnie]               [Tigger]

                /           \                /          \

         [Piglet]     [Eyore]    [Chris]     [Owl]

  1. Issue the command "tree" with "os.popen" and display the result to the screen using the "print" command.

Section 3:

  1. Turn in the code
  2. Turn in screenshots you should have at least 4 screenshots of various required operations (at least the 4 screenshots as noted above).

Reference no: EM13161717

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