Delete a contact by having the user enter the name

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13819683

a. Define a class contactList that can store a name and up to 3 phone numbers (use an array for the phone numbers). Use constructors to automatically initialize the member variables.

b. Add the following operations to your program:

i. Add a new contact. Ask the user to enter the name and up to 3 phone numbers.

ii. Delete a contact by having the user enter the name.

iii. Search the list by name and print the name and phone numbers for that one person.

iv. Print all contacts and phone numbers for each contact.

c. Create a program to test your class. The program should have a menu like this one.

1. Add a contact

2. Delete a contact

3. Print all contacts

4. Search for a contact

5. Exit

Reference no: EM13819683

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