Definitions of gangs did pyrooz and densley

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Reference no: EM133495114


1. There is one globally-agreed upon definition of what a gang is



2. Which of the following definitions of gangs did Pyrooz and Densley (2018) use for their study?

The U.S. Department of Justice and Homeland Security's definitions

The Eurogang definition and the California Penal Code's definition

Thrasher's (1927) interstitial definition and Miller's lexical definition

All of these

3. Pyrooz and Densley (2018) find that anti-fascists should be designated a gang because

Fascism does not need to be opposed.

Pyrooz's family comes from Iran, and Densley's comes from the United Kigdom.

U.S. citizens do not have a right to public protest.

They meet the criteria of the definitions they applied to collectives nested within antifascist groups.

4. What do Pyrooz and Densley (2018) mean when they say "inclusivity has its champions in many arenas, but one of them should not be in the definition of a gang..."?

That the designation of "gang" should be used sparingly, and only in extreme cases.

That inclusivity is bad because it allows too many perspectives.

That the designation as a gang should be "tossed around lightly" to any group we are scared of.

That even goths, Juggalos, and skaters, should be designated as gangs.

4. In the context of criteria for gang definitions, durability refers to

How long a group/gang exists

How much time a group/gang hangs out in the public

Violent actions done by the group/gang

"Bothersome or deviant" activities done by the group/gang

Reference no: EM133495114

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