Reference no: EM13940662
Question 1.
Discuss how each of De George's (2010) five guidelines (norms) for multinational companies operating in less developed countries is drawn from key concepts within ethical theories and theories of corporate responsibility. Illustrate your discussion by applying at least three of De George's guidelines to a case of your choosing. Your answer must demonstrate a sound understanding of the significance and relevance of De George's guidelines. There are no marks for simply rewriting the 5 guidelines from the text or giving definitions of ethical theories or corporate responsibility.
Question 2.
First, read the article, Three Australian whistleblowing sagas: lessons for internal and external regulation (see below). Second, identify the ethics issues in whistleblowing generally, and those raised in the article. Third, explain De George's (2010) five guidelines for permissible and obligatory whistleblowing and Gene James'(see Moodle) critique of them. According to De George's guidelines, did the CEO of King Edward Memorial Hospital (see the article below) have authority or a duty to whistleblow? Why?
Finally, identify two key measures organisations should take to prevent, or at least limit, the need for whistleblowing.
Question 3.
Read the article, Samsung washing machines linked to house fires (see the article printed below) and discuss the consumer production ethics issues it raises from the perspectives of contract theory and due care theory. Given the issues raised and your discussion of them, what recommendation/s can you make to Samsung to ensure the company upholds high standards of product safety?