Definitional formula for variance

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Reference no: EM133550968

Question 1: A researcher records five scores: 3, 4, 5, 6, and x. If the mean in this distribution is 5, then what is the value for x?

Question 2: How is the computational formula different from the definitional formula for variance?

Question 3: The sample variance is 121. What is the standard deviation for this sample?

Question 4: How many scores are free to vary in a sample?

Question 5: What is the formula for computing the range?

Question 6: A researcher measures the following data: 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, and 4. What is the sample variance for these data?

Question 7: Describe the sum of squares (SS) in words.

Question 8: A scientist measures the following data: 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, and 23. The value for the sample variance and population variance will be the same.

1) True

2) False

Question 9: A researcher records the number of times that 10 students cough during a "quiz". He records the following data: 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7, 8, and 11.

True or False: In this example, the range will be smaller than the

interquartile range.

1) False

2) True

Question 10: How do you compute standard deviation?

Question 11: When data are divided into four equal parts, the data are split into ________.

Question 12: Why do we square each deviation in the numerator of variance?

Question 13: With identical data sets, the definitional and computational formula for sample variance will always produce the same solution, give or take rounding error.



Question 14: Why is the variance a preferred measure of variability?

Question 15: _______________ is a measure of the dispersion or spread of scores in a distribution and ranges from 0 to es006-1.jpg

Question 16: The sample variance is unbiased when dividing SS by (n ?2- 1).

1) True

2) False

Question 17:The empirical rule is stated for data with what type of distribution?

Question 18:The population variance is 121. What is the standard deviation for this population?

Question 19: A researcher measures the following sample of scores (n = 3): 1, 4, and 7.

(a) Use the definitional formula to calculate variance.

(b) Use the computational formula to calculate variance.

(c) Are your answers the same? 

Blank # 1

Blank # 2

Blank # 3

Question 20: A researcher collects the following scores: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. What is the range of these scores?

Question 21: Each of the following is a characteristic of standard deviation, except:

A) The standard deviation is always positive.

B T he standard deviation is affected by the value of every score in a distribution.

C) The standard deviation is used to describe qualitative variables.

D) Standard deviations are almost always reported with the mean.

Question 22: How many standard deviations from the mean will contain at least 99% of data for any type of distribution?

Make sure to include appropriate signs.

Hint: Refer to the Making Sense section

Question 23: A researcher measures the following scores: 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20. Compute the SS for these data.

Question 24: When all scores in a population are the same, the variance will always be equal to 0.

1) True

2) False

Question 25: A researcher selects a population of eight scores where SS = 72. What is the population variance in this example?

Question 26: The standard deviation is a measure used to determine the average distance that each score deviates from ________.

Question 27: An instructor measures the following quiz scores: 6, 8, 7, and 9 (SD = 1.29). If the instructor subtracts two points from each quiz score, how will the value for the standard deviation change?

Question 28: How does calculating the sample variance differ from calculating the population variance?

Reference no: EM133550968

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