Definition of communication plan for wedding arises

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Reference no: EM133331941

The definition of a Communication Plan for the wedding arises from the need to have a starting point for the planning and design of all the parts of the event, to make them coherent and coordinated with each other. The PM must, through a communication plan, coordinate all communication activities at various levels, which involve all the project actors and stakeholders: Jane Smith (Hospitality professional), Torn Johns {Project Manager Assistant), Louise Red (Interior Designer}, and Mark Green (Music expert).

The inputs were provided by the betrothed and then the PM selected the various basic information and appropriately distributed among the various stakeholders. Being a large event, the communication actions are structured and require direct and flexible tools, such as face to face, meetings, phone calls, emaiis, in part communication follows less formal and planned ways. The greatest communication limits are linked to the different needs and timing of each of the project actors that can create frustration, delays, and misunderstandings.

Reference no: EM133331941

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