Reference no: EM131320170
As this class draws to an end, you covered a vast amount of material pertaining to business law. From the classifications of law, contract formation, illegal agreements and various types of property, to business ethics, you gained further insight into how businesses should operate.
For your final assignment, you will be creating a brochure that informs an audience as to all of the amazing topics that you covered. In your brochure you will need to include:
1. A definition of Business Law and why one should study it.
2. The difference between Business Law and Business Ethics.
3. A list of topics covered with a brief description for each one. Remember this is a brochure so there will not be a ton of space. You want to hit the highlights from each week.
4. A section on emerging trends related to business law.
5. Key takeaways from this course. How will you use the information from this class?
The brochure that you are creating is to be a tri-fold design, double-sided. Draw attention to your brochure by using well-placed art, an easy to read design with your content, and use of color.
State relationship between d and e in a dielectric material
: State the relationship between D and E in a dielectric material. How does it simplify the solution of field problems involving dielectrics?
Find the sample portion of defective fax machine
: A manufacturer claims that fewer than 6% of its fax machines are defective. In a random sample of 240 such fax machines, 12 are defective. A) Find the sample portion of defective fax machine
How polarization current arises in a dielectric material
: What is the polarization vector? How is it related to the electric field intensity?
Probability that one flight will exceed the capacity
: An airline estimates that 92% of people booked on their flights actually show up. If the airline books 76 people on a flight, find the propability that exactly 73 people will show up. for which the maximum number is 74, what is the probability tha..
Definition of business law and why one should study it
: For your final assignment, you will be creating a brochure that informs an audience as to all of the amazing topics that you covered. In your brochure you will need to include: A definition of Business Law and why one should study it. The differenc..
Carefully review the revision letter and the margin comments
: Carefully review the revision letter and the margin comments that you see on your returned paper. Consider each of the suggestions provided to help you to revise your paper
Market-to-book ratio
: If the forecast turns out to be correct & its price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio does not change, what do they expect their stock price to be one year from now?
Difference between the portion of females
: In a recent survey of high school seniors, a random sample of 1000 females showed that 650 were planning on pursuing a college degree, while a random sample of 1000 females showed that 600 were planning on pursuing a college degree.
Identify and explain a local health care establishment
: Identify a local health care establishment (e.g., hospital, rehabilitation center, emergency medical center) and determine its product development practices.