Definition of a supervening act

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Reference no: EM131102687

Question 1 Service of process is:

The filing of pleadings
The delivery of legal documents
Passage of time before a lawsuit can be filed
The manner in which actions begin

Question 2. Which of the following is false? A deposition is:
Part of the discovery process
A formal means to find out information
Conducted by the judge
Transcribed by a court reporter

Question 3. The initial pleading in a civil action in which a plaintiff alleges a cause or causes of action is:

Question 4. A motion whose purpose is to dispose of a lawsuit without further proceedings is called:
Motion for particulars
Motion to intervene
Motion of expungement
Motion for summary judgment

Question 5. An action brought by a party who has been sued against the person who has sued him is called:

Question 6. An answer is:
A pleading in response to a complaint
A draft complaint
A third party response
An answerable intent

Question 7. Causes of action are circumstances that give a person the right to bring a lawsuit and to receive relief from a court.

Question 8. All of the following are types of claimants except:

Question 9. At a preliminary hearing, the prosecutor decides whether the defendant will stand trial.

Question 10. A lesser included offense is a criminal act sharing some of the same elements as the crime for which a defendant has been indicted and for which the defendant may be convicted, so long as he is not convicted of the more serious offense and this is not considered double jeopardy.

Question 11. The definition of the state of mind that is required to commit a crime is called: 
In rem
Mens rea
Corpus delicti
Modus operandi

Question 12. The intentional tort of battery is the touching or striking of one person by another and without consent, or by an object put in motion by the tortfeasor with the intention of doing harm or giving offense. 

Question 13. Which of these is not a felony? 
Traffic violation

Question 14. A misdemeanor is a crime not rising to the level of a felony. In most jurisdictions, misdemeanors are offenses for which the punishment is incarceration for less than a year. 

Question 15. Probable cause is a mimimal amount of suspicion that a crime has been committed supported by facts that are probably true. 

Question 16. A definition of robbery is the felonious taking of money or anything of value from the person of another or from his presence, against his will, by force or by putting him in fear including all of the following except: 
Aggravated assault

Question 17. The definition of a supervening act (in a negligence case) is an additional event that occurs subsequent to the original negligence and becomes the proximate cause of injury. 

Question 18. The plaintiff must prove negligence when alleging injury resulting from an unreasonably dangerous defective product. 

Question 19. The civil standard that is used to determine whether a breach of duty occurred is: 
Reasonable person
Beyond a reasonable doubt
Clear and convincing evidence
Negligence ab initio

Question 20. Negligence per se is determined by: 
The judge
The jury
A law
The U.S. Supreme Court

Question 21. The purpose of punitive damages is to make an example of the defendant and to discourage others from engaging in the same kind of conduct in the future. 

Question 22. The duty of establishing the truth of a matter or the duty of proving a fact that is in dispute is called: 
Burden of proof

Question 23. A group of people selected to determine the truth of a matter is called: 
Court of appeals
Expert witness

Question 24. A prospective juror whom a party decides is unqualified or unacceptable may be challenged for cause or may be the subject of a peremptory challenge during: 
An out-of-court settlement
Voir dire
Oral argument
Jury instructions

Question 25. Arbitration, conciliation, mediation, and mini-trials are speedier and less costly methods for resolving disputes than going to court. These are examples of: 
Impaneling a jury
Voir dire
Alternative dispute resolution

Question 26. The ending of a lawsuit by agreement is called: 
Court order

Question 27. The security given for a defendant's appearance in court is known as: 

Question 28. The degree of proof needed to convict a person of a crime is: 
Proof beyond a reasonable doubt
Preponderance of the evidence
Clear and convincing proof
A scintilla of evidence

Question 29. The intentional and premeditated killing of a human being is: 
Mens rea

Question 30. The willful and malicious burning of a building is called: 

Question .31. The local newspaper deliberately wrote a false story about a shopkeeper, stating that he was a drunk. This is known as: 

Question 32. To save production costs, the manufacturer of a baby formula deliberately leaves out the iron that is advertised as a major feature of the formula. A baby is fed the formula for several weeks and suffers severe anemia. The baby's parents hire a lawyer to proceed against the manufacturer after they have the product tested at a lab. The lawyer will most likely recommend a suit based on: 
Wrongful death
Product liability
Contributory negligence

Question 33. Scott Hansen wants to get a lot of money for his 2008 car. He tells the purchaser the car only has 30,000 miles, when in reality it has 130,000 miles. This is an example of: 
Infliction of emotional distress
Contributory negligence

Question 34. Fred Hunt approaches an elevator, which stops 6 inches higher than the floor. The elevator has not been serviced in over 10 years. Fred Hunt is in a hurry and is not looking where he is going. Fred trips and is severely injured. Should the matter go to trial, the court will weigh the evidence comparing the negligence of the plaintiff with that of the defendant. This is known as: 
Last clear chance
Assumption of risk
Comparative negligence
Invasion of privacy

Question 35. A means for providing a party with access to facts that are within the knowledge of the other side, to enable the party to better try the case is: 
Equitable action

Question 36. A person who brings a lawsuit is the: 

Question 37. A caption is: 
The heading on a pleading or motion
A cause of action
An affirmation
An action

Question 38. The jurisdiction of a federal court arising from a controversy between citizens of different states is: 
Personal jurisdiction
Diversity jurisdiction
In personam jurisdiction

Question 39. The charge made in writing by a grand jury based upon evidence presented to it, accusing a person of having committed a criminal act, is the: 
Preliminary hearing

Question 40. The rule of constitutional law that evidence secured by the police by means of an unreasonable search and seizure cannot be used as evidence in a criminal prosecution is: 
Strict liability crimes
Lesser included offense
Exclusionary rule
Beyond a reasonable doubt

Reference no: EM131102687

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