Reference no: EM133289822
TEXTBOOK:Adams, Maurianne, Warren J. Blumenfeld, Carmelita (Rosie) Castaneda, Heather W. Hackman, Madeline L. Peters, and Ximena Zuniga. eds. 2018. Readings for Diversity and Social Justice, fourth edition. New York, NY: Routledge
Question 1. How does Johnson define patriarchy? What are some defining elements of patriarchal culture? [Allan Johnson: "Patriarchy, the System"]
Question 2. Kirk and Okazawa-Rey outline how people are viewed and treated differently in the workplace. Which two examples of the "office double standard" stood out to you, and why?[Gwyn Kirk and Mago Okazawa-Rey: "He Works, She Works, But What Different Impressions They Make" ]
Question 3. Lorber argues, "Most people find it hard to believe that gender is constantly created and recreated out of human interaction, out of social life, and is the texture and order of that social life. Yet gender, like culture, is a human production that depends on everyone constantly 'doing gender.'" What are two examples of how people "do gender" in their everyday life?[Judith Lorber: "'Night to His Day': The Social Construction of Gender" ]