Defined in achievement motivation theory

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133613785


1. Which of the following individuals is MOST likely to demonstrate a high need for achievement, as defined in achievement motivation theory?

1. Petra prefers when her boss sets performance goals for her, clearly outlining performance expectations and desired results

2. When Bassam sets his goals at work, he prefers to set them very conservatively, ensuring that he can achieve them easily and with little effort.

3. The average consultant at Nadeen's office signs on 12 new clients per month. Last quarter, she signed on 15 clients each month. This month, her target is to sign on 50 new clients, despite having no clear plan in place on how to achieve this.

4. Ian prefers tasks that offer immediate feedback on performance so that he knows whether or not he is close to achieving the goals he set for himself.

2. Which of the following is an example of a performance appraisal that falls under the administrative purposes category? (3)

1. As a result of Raymond's performance appraisal, he is promoted to Senior Account Manager.

2. During Ghandia's performance appraisal, her manager suggested that she work on her negotiation skills

3. At Ana's end of the probationary period performance review, her manager reviews her job duties with her.

4. Eero's supervisor uses the performance appraisal as an opportunity to provide feedback on his standards of performance

2. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of hiring an employee who already works within the company? (4)

(1) The employee already has firm-specific skills

(2) It is usually less expensive than hiring externally

(3) It can increase staff retention

(4) There is a larger pool of applicants to choose from.

4. Which of the following statements about performance appraisals in FALSE? (3)

(1) The manager should encourage the employee to participate in the interview, offering the employee the opportunity to voice their opinion

(2) Appraisal interviews are more effective when a manager is supportive and non-critical

(3) The manager should end the interview on a negative note, providing motivation for the employee to improve their performance

(4) Before the performance review takes place, the employee should review their job description

5. Zach Burdi is in the process of interviewing Kevin Fagan, a potential candidate for an administrative assistant position. Kevin is wearing expensive dress shoes and a nice tie, thus Zach has concluded that Kevin is motivated and intelligent. The interviewing bias that Zach is likely experiencing is known as the:

(1) horn effect

(2) recency effect

(3) personal effect

(4) halo effect

Reference no: EM133613785

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