Defined as a group of academic disciplines

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Reference no: EM13204419

1. The humanities are often defined as a group of academic disciplines that include history, literature, philosophy, ethics, cultures and many other academic areas. 

2. The humanities have traditionally used quantitative rather than historical and interpretive methods. 

3. The Southwest is usually referred to as the 4 large states that border the country of Mexico: California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. 

your task is to indicate if the statement could be logical based on the definitions of these terms. 

4. I was born in the United States, but my parents are from Cuba. If asked how I identify myself, I proudly declare myself a Chicano. I am not too interested in politics or cultural identity. 
Not Logical

5. I am a Latina from California, and I do not like being called a Chicana. My brother says he is a Chicano, though. 
Not logical

Reference no: EM13204419

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