Define your except blocks before the try block

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM132356815

Question 1 : Exception handling allows our programs to:

Deal with situations, except in certain conditions.

Prevent our program from crashing unexpectedly.

Recover lost data when a crash occurs.

Prevent crashes, no matter what.

QUESTION 2 : When a runtime error occurs inside of a try block:

an exception object is created and thrown.

an exception message is printed to the screen.

It immediately triggers a specified function to activate.

The operating system handles the error.

QUESTION 3 : What keyword do we use to specify a block of code that will handle an exception?





QUESTION 4 : Exception handling must be implemented from the beginning of a program's design.



QUESTION 5 : We can control what kind of exceptions are detected and handled by specifying a(n) _______ in the header of the except code block.

data type

an exception object type

receiver function

this is automatic.

QUESTION 6 : We can specify an exception handler block that detects multiple specific exception types



QUESTION 7 : If we do not specify the exception type in the except block header, then no exceptions will be handled.



QUESTION 8 : In exception handling, you define your except blocks before the try block.



QUESTION 9 : What is the output of the following code if the user typed the letter ‘C', then hit the ‘Enter' key:

print("Type Control C or -1 to exit")

number = 1

while number != -1:


number = int(input("Enter a number: "))

print("You entered:", number)

except ValueError:

print("That was not a number.")

You entered: C

That was not a number.

Error message.

Nothing happens

Reference no: EM132356815

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