Define working with database tables

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Reference no: EM1332759

Working with Database Tables

For this assignment, you will create a Visual Basic.NET application based on the skills and concepts used in IP2. In this exercise, you will create a solution that works with two tables having a Master/Detail relationship. The first table contains music category records, and the second table contains album detail records for each category.

A screen shot of the desired UI is shown in the following image. You can also download a running example of the completed project and the required database ITP400_IP3_B.mdb. Please be aware that the example program does not necessarily demonstrate all of the functional requirements, and it is intended only as an example. You are responsible for meeting the listed requirements. Please refer to the following information for the complete requirements.


For this project you will use the following database schema, which has two tables.

Table 1 -- Schema for the tblCategories table

Column Name Data Type
ldCategoryID Integer
fldCategoryDesc String

Table 2 -- Schema for table named tblAlbums

Column Name
Data Type







The input form contains a ListBox and a DataGrid control. Select album categories in the list box and then the corresponding album information appears in the DataGrid. As you select different categories, the total costs are recalculated for the selected category and displayed in a label on your form, formatted as currency.
Configure the form so it appears on the center of the desktop when the solution is run.
Do not allow the user to resize the form.
Remove minimize, maximize, and close buttons from the title bar
Perform the appropriate steps to create a connection to the sample database. Be sure to select the option to copy the database to your project so it will be automatically included in the project.

Create an instance of the ListBox control. Set the necessary properties so that the ListBox control will display the field fldCategoryDesc.

Create an instance of the DataGrid control on the form. Configure the DataGrid control instance so it displays records from the table named tblAlbums, but only for those records matching the selected category shown in the list box.
Format the DataGrid so the column header names are the same as the ones shown in the Figure. Set appropriate column widths, and format the cost column as currency, right justified. The date column should also be right justified.
Write the necessary code to calculate the total cost of the displayed albums. Display the results in a Label control above the cost column of the DataGrid. Format the output as currency. Right-justify the output in the Label control instance.
Create an Update button that will allow the user to save any changes made to the DataGrid back to the database. Write the necessary code for the button. Allow the user to add, change, and delete records in the Album table.
Create an Exit button for the solution. In the Click event handler for the button, display a message box to get confirmation from the user before exiting the solution.

Enhancements (optional to achieve maximum points)

Add a basic help system to your application.
Additional Notes

Name your project and set the title of your form (the Text property of the main form) to ITP400_IP3_<your name>.

Make sure you fulfill the minimum requirements before attempting advanced features.

Be sure to include good comments in your code.Name your objects, variables, functions, and others with appropriate and consistent names.
Your form(s) should be designed attractively and consistently.

Zip all your project files together and submit your assignment to your instructor via the drop box.
Please submit your assignment.

Reference no: EM1332759

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