Reference no: EM131627014
My chosen leader is Nathan Hartono. He is a friend of mine that motivates and helped me during my polytechnic days. He is a Singaporean singer and actor.
This is a Work Integrated Learning (WIL) assessment task that allows students to apply their knowledge and skills into practical situations. It is assessed through a real workplace context where feedback from industry is integral to students' experience. This assessment is designed to lead you from critical analysis of your role model to reflect on how you can improve your own leadership qualities and effectiveness through three learning stages: a) Observation; b) Interview; and c) Self-reflection.
The first stage is to select a person whom you consider to be a successful and effective leader. This person could be someone you work with or for, or with whom you have the opportunity to interact. Then, through your observation, you will identify the person's leadership traits and behaviours. The learning outcome of this stage is that you are challenged to apply the theories in this course with your observation.
For the second stage, you are asked to interview the person who has served as your role model in the first stage to get his or her feedback. From the interview you are expected to learn not only from your role model's experience but also about the complexities of leadership. During the interview stage, you will also get feedback from your role model on your findings from Stage One.
In the final stage, Self reflection and Recommendation, you are asked to reflect on your own leadership, based on what you learnt the observation and feedback from your role model, and consider how your own leadership qualities could be improved. By going through these three stages, you should be able to critically analyse and evaluate leadership theories and practices and understand how to improve your own leadership effectiveness and qualities.
In your observation, critically analyse:
• What you perceive this person's leadership traits and behaviours;
• How he/she uses power and influence tactics to make him/her an effective leader; and
• Whether the person changes his/her leadership in various situations.