Reference no: EM133012898
Task 1- Knowledge Questions
1. There are a number of different situations where there could be conflict between colleagues. Name at least 6 of them:
2. There are also a number of ways that customers can feel they are in a conflict situation. Name 6 of the signs that they may show a conflict situation:
3. There are a number of warning signs that may alert us to possible areas of conflict, both from a colleague or a customer. Explain both areas in detail:
4. There are 3 times when conflict may flare up. Name them and explain in detail:
5. There are a number of times when a situation may "get out of hand" and pose a danger to customers and colleagues. Name and explain the 6 examples that were mentioned in these notes:
6. Find the Codes of Practice or House Policies and Procedures that are written for your organisation. Now write in as much detail as you can about what they say:
7. What actions should you take in the event of noticing situations that could result in threatening conflict:
8. The solution to a conflict will vary depending on the type of conflict. How would you handle the following situations?
9. What are the two stages in overcoming conflict?
10. There are a number of points/steps that have been found to be helpful and useful when trying to negotiate a solution to a problem. Name 5 of them.
11. Effective communication skills are a must for you to solve any conflict situation. Name at least 4 points you need to be aware of to be effective:
12. There are 4 accepted resolution techniques. What are they and explain:
13. When talking to people in conflict situations there are a number of points you need to both be aware of and also able to document. What are the 7 main points that will make your job in finding a solution much easier?
14. There is a commonly accepted/used method for dealing with all complaints: What are they and explain?
15. What are the attributes we need to be able to display to deliver a high level of customer service? Name and explain the 6 points mentioned in these notes:
16. Define what is meant by "an interpersonal conflict"
17. What are the three main types of evaluation?
18. In addition to focusing on goal-achievement, evaluations may also focus on what 8 points?
19. What are the 4 main causes of conflict between employees? Explain in brief terms:
Task 2- Role Play & Scenario
Role Play
A customer approaches you at the bar and asks for a jug of spirits and mixers. The customer arrived about an hour ago and was joined by two others shortly afterwards. Each member of the group has purchased at least one round of drinks for the group in the last hour. They are becoming very boisterous, talking loudly and appear uncoordinated in their movements and handling of money. Under liquor licensing laws and responsible service of alcohol standards, you must refuse to serve the customer: you are not allowed to sell mixed spirits by the jug and you believe they are intoxicated.
Organisational procedures suggest the following:
Offer non-alcoholic alternatives.
Offer food from the establishment's menu.
Explain to the customer why you cannot serve them.
Offer to resume service of alcoholic beverages after a period of time, usually one hour.
Organisational policy requires the following.
Customers who are verbally or physically abusive or threatening to customers or employees must leave the premises immediately.
The hotel has managers and security staff on duty at all times.
Learner instructions
• Use appropriate conflict-resolution techniques and communication skills to resolve the customer dispute.
• During this role-play, you are required to demonstrate the following skills and knowledge.
Identify potential for conflict and take swift and tactful action to prevent escalation.
Identify situations where personal safety of customers or colleagues may be threatened and organise appropriate assistance.
Establish and agree on the nature and details of conflict with all parties and assess impact.
Manage conflict within scope of own role and responsibilities, and according to organisational procedures.
Take responsibility for seeking a solution to conflict within scope of own role and responsibilities, seeking assistance where required.
Identify and evaluate impact of conflict on business reputation and legal liability.
Evaluate options to resolve the conflict, taking into account organisational policies and constraints.
• Complete the role-play.
Role-play assessor instructions
• You can perform the role-play with the learner or ask other individuals to undertake participant roles.
• Two class participants can be allocated manager and security roles. These roles only participate in the role-play if the learner decides to eject the customer from the premises. Inform the learner if these roles have been allocated.
• Other class participants can be involved in the role-play as customers in the bar, if desired. They do not actively participate in the role-play. Their presence is not essential to the completion of the role-play.
• You can choose to set the role-play in a hospitality or events work environment. Inform the learner and all participants of any details relating to the selected work environment that affect the role-play.
• Provide copies of participant role-play instructions to all participants.
• Discuss each participant's role and the desired outcomes of the activity.
• Conduct a debriefing session with the learner at the conclusion of the role-play to discuss skills and knowledge displayed in the role-play and make suggestions for improvement, if necessary.
Participant 1 - Customer at bar
You are feeling great but are showing early signs of intoxication: slightly slurred speech, slight loss of control of body movements leading to some unsteadiness on feet and lack of coordination. You approach the bar person to buy another round of drinks. You think buying a jug will be cheaper than buying individual drinks.
• When the learner refuses to serve you, you initially remain relatively calm as you can't really believe they mean it. You try to convince them you are not intoxicated and persuade them to serve you at least three glasses of mixed drinks instead of the jug.
• When the learner continues to refuse service, you become agitated and start making silly, wild statements and threats.
• If service continues to be refused, you become more frustrated. Your behaviour becomes increasingly abusive towards the learner or other customers.
Answer the following questions
1. What resolutions did your work team come up with?
2. How will you implement these? Include a timeline of when each task will be implemented?
3. Are there any interim measures that will need to be introduced? Explain.
4. How will you communicate these changes to all employees?
5. What training will employees need to receive before the changes are implemented?
6. What topics should be covered in the training session for employees?
7. If you were the manager on-site when the injury occurred with the pedestrian, what WHS government regulators would you need to notify?
Scenario 1
• Choose a scenario relevant to your training or work environment.
• Answer the questions based on the general information and your selected option.
You are the supervisor of a team and are responsible for the smooth operation of your work area during your shift. You have the authority to resolve most types of customer complaints except those that have serious potential legal or public relations implications to the business. These must be referred to your manager as soon as these issues arise. You can offer compensation in the form of refunds, complimentary items, additional services, add-ons or upgrades to the value of $1,000.
Option 1: Hotel bistro
Your area of responsibility is a large hotel bistro. It's Friday night and you are in the middle of peak service period. You are short one cook and the kitchen hand as they both called in sick just prior to the start of their shifts. The average wait for a meal is normally 15 to 20 minutes. Today it's 45 minutes.
You can see customers are becoming increasingly upset. You have tried to explain the situation to as many as possible but as the wait time increases, they are becoming more agitated and irate. Customers from two different tables approach you to complain about the long wait and poor service. Both tables are family groups of six or more guests, some of which are children under 12. The average spend per person on food is $30 and $15 on beverages.
Option 2: Conference registration
It's registration day for a national conference being held at a conference and events centre. You normally have two staff providing information to arriving participants and four on the registration desk. Today, you only have two staff to register over 1,000 participants as two have called in sick. Wait time in the registration queue is currently 20 minutes; it is normally five.
A number of participants approach you to complain. Two are staff from conference exhibitors who are concerned they are losing potential business as their display stands are unstaffed while they are waiting in the registration queue. The other complainants are regular conference participants. Conference registration fees are $1,225 for the two days. Exhibitor fees are $3,200 for a booth plus two staff members. Additional staff are $245 per person.
Option 3: Bus tour
A group 45 tourists are waiting for their tour bus to arrive to take them on a day trip. It was due to arrive at 8 am. It is now 8.45 am. You have tried to contact the bus driver multiple times but their mobile phone consistently diverts to voicemail. You have left messages but have not received a response. Your reception team are currently trying to locate another bus and driver so the tour group can still complete most of the tour. It's a busy day with multiple tours departing throughout the day so there are limited alternatives available.
The day trip is comprised of 16 direct bookings and an Asian tour group with their tour leader. The tour company is a long-term client who books several groups a week with your company.
Two direct-booking customers and the tour leader approach you to complain about the delay and demand to know what is going to happen. The tour cost is $109 for the day, meals inclusive.
Indicate your chosen scenario (highlight)
Option 1: Hotel bistro
Option 2: Conference registration
Option 3: Bus tour
1: What is the current level of conflict? Briefly explain why you believe it is at this level.
Q2: Does this situation have the potential to escalate, threatening the safety of other customers or team members? Why/why not?
Q3: What actions do you need to take immediately?
Q4: What style of communication do you use when taking these actions? Why is this method effective?
Q5: What conflict resolution technique do you use when trying to resolve the dispute? Explain why.
Q6: What conflict resolution technique is not effective when trying to create a long-term solution to the dispute? Explain why.
Q7: You have tried to apologise and calmly explain the reason for the service issues to the customers but they are not willing to listen. They become more irate and loudly demand action to be taken immediately. Verbal threats of damaging the organisation's reputation through personal and social media networks are made. Demands for compensation are also made.
Describe the actions you take to manage this conflict situation.
Q8: What are the potential short- or long-term impacts of this situation on the business?
Q10: Describe the strategies you use to resolve the dispute at this point in time.
The options available.
How you select an appropriate solution.
The impact the selected solution could have on the individuals and/or the business.
Your responsibilities when actioning strategies or implementing solutions.
Q11: What organisational policies or constraints influence how you resolve the situation?
Q12: Describe how you implement the agreed solution.
Q13: How do you seek feedback, comments or information from the parties involved after the situation has been resolved? Give two examples.
Q14: Make recommendations to your manager about improvements to workplace systems, procedures or processes to ensure this situation doesn't arise again, or so processes are in place to handle it efficiently and correctly if it does.
Attachment:- Assessment Tool.rar