Define what is a data warehouse and why is rei building one

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Reference no: EM13759884

Required Readings

REI. (2009). REI builds a smart sporting warehouse with DB2. [Video file]. Retrieved from

SASsoftware. (2011). Manage the data deluge with data mining and predictive analytics. [Video file]. Retrieved from

SASsoftware. (2011). Manage all unstructured data with SAS text analytics. [Video file]. Retrieved from

After watching the videos and REI in particular, please answer the following questions in a 3-5 page paper. Ensure you use APA format. Paper must have a full introduction, body and summary.

1. What is a data warehouse and why is REI building one?

2. Describe some of the marketing strategies that REI's data warehouse will allow them to use. Would these have been possible before the data warehouse was built?

3. What are some of the risks or concerns surrounding the creation of a data warehouse?

4. Why do you think REI chose to work with IBM's data warehouse technology?

Reference no: EM13759884

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