Define what cultural competence is

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Reference no: EM133562726

Part A - Questions

Question 1
(a) Explain what cultural awareness is, and
(b) How it can benefit your role in the workplace.

Question 2 (a) Describe cultural safety in the workplace, and
(b) provide one example of how to demonstrate cultural safety in your work role.

Question 3
(a) Define what cultural competence is and
(b) provide one example of how cultural competence is demonstrated in the workplace.

Question 4
Outline the specific social and cultural needs of people who practise a religion. (state the religion e.g. Hindu, clearly so the assessor can respond accordingly)

Question 5
Outline the specific social and cultural needs of people with a disability.

Question 6
Use a specific example to outline how an individual's culture and the community attitudes, language, policies and structures impact on how they work with diverse groups. (clearly state the culture)

Question 7 How do diversity practices and experience impact on an individual's behaviour, interpersonal relationships, perception and social expectations of others? Use an example in your response.

Question 8 (a) Provide an example of one social, one political and one economic issue that affects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and
(b) Discuss the impact of these issues in relation to the workplace.

Question 9 Describe steps that could be taken to improve the likelihood of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples accessing the health or welfare services they require.

Question 10 Describe ways to improve social awareness and self-awareness in the workplace, using two examples.

Question 11 Explain how culture, race and ethnicity differ.

Question 12 (a) Discuss one aspect of disability and
(b) How it can affect a person.

Question 13 How do religious and spiritual beliefs differ from each other?

Question 14 Outline how to demonstrate understanding and acceptance of gender diversity.

Question 15 How does intersex identity differ from gender identity?

Question 16 How might generational factors impact one's work with people?

Question 17 (a) What does sexual orientation mean, and
(b) What terms are commonly used to describe a person's sexual orientation?

Question 18 Outline how the policy of assimilation in Australia affects people from diverse backgrounds.

Question 19 (a) What is the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) and
(b) How could it assist people from diverse groups?

Question 20 Identify three ways diversity benefits the Australian economy.

Question 21 Identify one way that diversity has impacted Australian culture.

Question 22 How can changes in Australian society positively impact the Australian community and the diverse communities within Australia?

Question 23 (a) Identify the international, national, state/territory and local laws that apply when workers discriminate against a person on the basis of their age.
(b) Explain how a breach is responded to.

Question 24 Identify the international, national, state/territory and local laws that apply when workers discriminate against a person on the basis of a disability.

Question 25 Identify the international, national, state/territory and local laws that apply when workers discriminate against a person on the basis of race.

Question 26 Identify the international, national, state/territory and local laws that apply when workers discriminate against a person on the basis of their sex.

Question 27 (a) Describe what the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is.
(b) What is an example of a breach of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
(c) How could you respond to a breach of human rights?

Question 28 What is the relationship between human rights and human needs?

Question 29 (a) Explain what the AHRC Act is and
(b) How it helps to protect human rights.

Question 30
Provide an example of a protective factor for physical, emotional and mental issues.

Question 31
For each of the following marginalised groups, provide an example of a need they may experience:
(a) People marginalised because of physical factors
(b) People marginalised because of mental factors
(c) People marginalised because of emotional factors

Question 32
Provide an example of each of the following impacts that can be experienced by people who are marginalised because of physical needs:
(a) Discrimination
(b) Trauma
(c) Exclusion
(d) Negative attitudes

Question 33
(a) Provide an example of one issue that may cause communication difficulty or misunderstanding in the workplace.
(b) Explain the appropriate response.

Question 34 Identify the verbal and non-verbal responses to make if misunderstandings or difficulties occur as a result of diversity issues.

Question 35 Outline how to respond sensitively to a difficulty in a workplace that occurs due to diversity.

Question 36 Who should you contact if you were involved in a conflict that stemmed from diversity issues and your supervisor was not contactable?

Part B - Case study questions

Read the case study, then answer the questions that follow.
Case study (questions 1-2)
Katie has recently started work with a disability agency, which provides a day program for people with disabilities. Disabilities range from neurological, psychiatric and physical. Most of the clients are teenagersor are in their early twenties. It is Katie's first job in disability work, as she has just completed her Certificate III.
One of the objectives of the agency is to support clients to develop skills to enhance their daily living activitiesand support them to access employment opportunities. The agency has links with a number of employers that have a policy to employ people with disabilities.
During Katie's first day of training, her supervisor asks her to reflect on her own ability to work inclusively and improve her self-awareness and social awareness. Katie's supervisor says this is a critical component of her training, as having strong self-awareness benefits her ability to work with diverse clients.
On the same day, one of the clients Katie is introduced to has a toileting accident in the café. She is asked to support the client to be cleaned in the bathroom and change his clothes. She is given clear instructions about hygiene and infection control.
Another client she talks to has Tourette syndrome, which causes him to yell out intermittently.

CS Question 1 Use the reflective cycle to reflect on Katie's self-awareness on her first day in the program.

CS Question 2 Describe the actions Katie could take to improve her social awareness.

Read the case study, then answer the questions that follow.

Case study (questions 3-4)
Margie works for a residential aged care facility in Brisbane. The facility supports the needs of elderly people from diverse backgrounds. Margie's job as diversity officer is to promote diversity in the workplace and ensure that staff are adequately trained to meet the diverse linguistic, cultural and social needs of the clients.
One of Margie's colleagues, Lin, asks to speak to Margie about her concern regarding one of the clients, Mrs. Shareef. Lin expressed that Mrs Shareef, a devout Muslim, is very demanding as she has asked Lin several times to help her prepare for her prayer ritual five times a day. Mrs. Shareef expects someone to help her perform ritual cleansing before praying as she is having difficulty washing her own body.

CS Question 3 What practices or procedures could Margie implement to promote respect and value of diversity and inclusiveness in the workplace?
CS Question 4 (a) Explain what Mrs Shareef's rights are, and
(b) What Margie and Lin's responsibilities are to ensure Mrs. Shareef's rights are protected?

Read the case study, then answer the questions that follow.

Case study (questions 5-10)
John is working for an agency that provides services to diverse groups, such as Islamic people, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, Chinese people and Korean people. Part of his role is to promote diversity and inclusiveness in the workplace.
One of his colleagues, Michelle, comes to John one day to report that she can no longer work with one of the male clients, Hung. Hung is Chinese, and according to Michelle, he is rude and dismissive towards her and refuses to participate in any of the activities Michelle organises. Michelle has asked for a transfer.
John thinks it is a good idea to consult Hung about the situation. When he does, he learns that Hung does not understand Michelle's strong Australian accent. When John speaks to the referring agency, he also learns that Hung has learning difficulties and concentration difficulties, which cause him to be easily irritable and become distressed.

CS Question 5 How could John show respect for diversity when communicating with both Hung and Michelle about the situation?
CS Question 6 Identify the verbal and nonverbal communication John should use to establish, develop and maintain effective relationships, mutual trust and confidence with Hung and Michelle.

CS Question 7 What strategies should John use to communicate in the most efficient way possible to address the language barrier?

CS Question 8 (a) Describe how John could access language and cultural interpreter communication resources that support individuals and organisations to embrace and respond to diversity.
(b) Provide examples, including links to documents or training resources.

CS Question 9 Describe how image resources could assist with communication difficulties in this situation.

CS Question 10 Describe who John could contact to assist with communication needs.

Reference no: EM133562726

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