Reference no: EM132211471
Perform the following code in C++ language !
Write a program which takes input of 10 student's data, data includes the following: Reg. No.
First Name Middle Name Last Name Contact Number Define a class with all the data members given above, data members should be private and make an array of 10 objects to input data.
Define two public member functions which can be used for inputting data and for showing output of entered data.
Define another public function 'search' which gives user option to search through data, give user a menu and take user's choice as input, search and display data w.r.t. Reg. No., First Name, Last Name or Contact Number.
Class should be defined in a header file, all the function definitions should be in a separate cpp file and main function should be in separate cpp file.
Feel free to declare/use any additional data member/member function to support your logic.