Define transfer payments

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM1330138

1. Define transfer payments and give an example. Explain why transfer payments are not included in of gross domestic product (GDP).

2. Which components of gross domestic product (GDP) (C,I,G,X,M) would be affected by the following:

a. You buy a pizza.

b. You buy a new house.

c. Tennessee resurfaces Interstate 40.

d. You buy a Lamborghini.

e. You buy a new stove.

3. The federal government has recently enacted several large spending bills (i.e. "economic stimulus.") Use the Modern Keynesian aggregate supply and demand system to tell which curve(s) shift and in which direction. Explain how the price level will be affected by these expenditures in the short-run. Explain how GDP is affected in the long-run.

4. Conduct the same exercise as in #3 using the Classical model. Explain how the price level will be affected by these expenditures in the short-run. Explain how GDP is affected in the long-run.

5. Compare your results from #3 and #4. Are the results different? Explain.

Reference no: EM1330138

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