Define three types of programming errors

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM13163663

Python Programming Question:

Define three types of programming errors and explain with examples 

Provide and Explain the output of the following in Python instruction(s)

- >>> print (hello Python)

- >>> 4//3

- >>> 4%3

- >>> print ("Output Number is = ", n)


2.    Pseudo Code Question (20 points):

Write pseudo code for the following problem statement:

Problem Statement:

Create a Website that would allow users to enter and submit survey (to store in the database) and display survey results of total entered surveyed:

The survey should display the survey subject title and total five questions. User should be in a position to select Yes/No answer from given dropdown for each question.

Upon user selects submit, the program should check that all answers are given by users and then will submit the answer and store into the backend database. The database must have capability to store the total for Yes and No answered for each question by each user as well total number of users submitted the survey.

Upon user selects the display survey results option; the website would display survey results retrieved from the backend database. The result must display - Survey Subject, Total Number of Users Submitted the Survey, Each Question and for each question how many percentage (%) answered Yes and how many percentage (%) answered No. These values you will retrieve from the database. The pseudo code must show the calculation of how you are converting (calculating) the total Yes and No answered values for each question in the percentage based on the retrieved values from the database.

3.    Essay Question (20 points):

In this course we have learned about websites that use databases, what is a database, and used databases in building programs in Python. For this question, please describe how you would implement a database for a game, an application or a website based on what you have learned in the conferences. This essay should include not only the implementation of a database (fields, tables, etc) but also what kind of database and scripting language to execute the game, application or website. Please provide applicable references in APA style.

4.    Essay Question (20 points):

One of your colleague is not familiar with Interaction Design. Describe and explain the concept of Interaction design to him or her. Please include appropriate details and examples with applicable references in APA style.

5.    Essay Question (20 points):

One or your colleague is looking to build website for his/her business. After reviewing different design pattern at Yahoo website, list and explain 10 design pattern that you suggest using for the proposed website. Please include appropriate details and examples (with screen shots as necessary) and mention applicable references in APA style.

6.    Essay Question (20 points):

Describe and explain following terms/concepts - ObjectClass,InheritanceEncapsulation and Polymorphism. Include example and other details as necessary and mention applicable references in APA style.

7.    Essay Question (20 points):

What is Server-side and Client-side scripting? Explain the differences between server-side and client - side scripting languages. Please provide 3 advantages and disadvantages of each. Please provide applicable references in APA style.



Reference no: EM13163663

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