Define the word Widow

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Reference no: EM133356129


1. What are 3 positive characteristics to possess when working with the aging population?

2. Discuss an observation you made regarding the video in reference to social work professional behaviors.

3. Discuss observations you made regarding the clients in the video.


Chapter 1 Context of Social Work Practice with older Adults

1. How many older adults will we have in the United States by 2030?

2. How many social workers will be needed to effectively work with our aging population?

3. What age is considered to be the beginning of older adulthood?

4. What ethnicity has the longer life expectancy?

5. Define the word Widow?

6. Who is more likely to be widowed by older adulthood?

7. Name a possible and or common implication of being widowed?

8. What are some of the common health issues associated with older adulthood?

9. What are the Social Workers' roles when working with older adults from a Strength Perspective?

10. Name and define a Community Social Service agency centered on assisting older adults?

11. Define and explain Integrated Care Management.

12. List, according to chapter 1 professionals and resources available to the aged population.

13. What is the major foci of community practice with the aged population?


1. Define Ageism:

2. How does this culture view the aged population?

3. Give an example of your viewpoint.

4. What are your views regarding the aged population and how do you think they should be treated?

5. At what age do you consider a person consider person as aged?

Reference no: EM133356129

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