Define the variable names and categories

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131954975

Assignment -

This week, you submit the next portion of your Scholar Practitioner Project. Use the techniques of data manipulation such as merging, transposing data, and creating new variables. Create a database that can be used to answer your proposed research questions completely. Please remember to incorporate your Instructor's feedback from your data analysis plan before you submit your database.

For this Assignment, use your selected data set for your Scholar Practitioner Project and enter it into your SPSS program. You may manipulate the data in Excel and then convert them to a format for your statistical software needs. (MY RESEARCH TOPIC IS EFFECT OF OBESITY ON BREAST CANCER)

  • Apply techniques of data manipulation to prepare analysis data to answer your research question.
  • Define the variable names and categories.

Your data analysis plan should also include the following supporting documents:

  • Data dictionary
  • Data table

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM131954975

Questions Cloud

Calculate the average rate of return for each year : Calculate the average rate of return for each year from the above information. What is the arithmetic average rate of return earned by investing in Caswell's.
What is the expected return on portfolio : If the expected returns on these stocks are 10 percent and 18 percent, respectively, what is the expected return on the portfolio?
Develop a full research proposal incorporating all stages : develop a full research proposal incorporating all stages of the research process. Based on the business research problem or opportunity for investigation
What qualities or traits do you believe made person famous : What did this person do for a living? What qualities or traits do you believe made this person famous? What did this person do to become famous?
Define the variable names and categories : Apply techniques of data manipulation to prepare analysis data to answer your research question. Define the variable names and categories
Identify a disruptive innovation in healthcare : Identify a disruptive innovation in healthcare (i.e. one that completely changed the market). Why was it revolutionary? How did it change healthcare?
What percent did aftertax income increase as result : In part a, by what percent did aftertax income increase as a result of a 10 percent increase in the sales price?
Calculate the book value of equity : Cavalier Corp's articles of incorporation authorize the firm to issue 500,000 shares of $5 par value common stock, of which 325,000 shares have been issued.
Source evaluation and effectiveness : Share a resource you intend to use in your informative speech.


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