Reference no: EM132665201
1). Insulin-dependent ('Type1') diabetes occurs when an individual's immune system attacks the cells in his/her pancreas that produce insulin. A regenerative medicine treatment that involved using the patient's stem cells to grow new pancreatic cells that were then injected into the patient's body would be an example of:
a. Cell therapy because differentiated stem cells were injected to repair damage
b. Cell therapy because pancreatic cells were targeted for treatment
c. The use of therapeutic drugs as chemicals would be used to cause the stem cells to differentiate and suppress the immune system
d. None of the above
2. Describe where embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells originate, which of the two is more potent and give the terms used to describe their potency.
3. Define the terms: zygote and blastocyst
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of induced pluripotent stem cells, how are they produced?
5. Transcription factors in eukaryotes make sure that genes are expressed in the correct cell, at the correct time and to the correct extent. In plants, gibberellins allow gene transcription by causing the breakdown of DELLA proteins which inhibit the binding of transcription factors.
These transcription factors are:
a. Hormones
b. Proteins
c. Enzymes
d. Fats
6. Name the two types of DNA regulatory sequences that stimulate the transcription of genes. Describe their role.