Reference no: EM132791908
1. Define the terms politics and government.
2. How do we define the term power as it pertains to government and politics? Also, what is the difference between direct democracy and representative democracy?
3. In the United States, we have a limited government. What is meant by limited government, and how does that contribute to liberty and equality?
4. What were some of the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation? (Identify at least four)
5. What was the "Great Compromise" relative to the framing of the Constitution? What were the provisions of this Compromise?
6. Define the terms separation of powers and checks and balances? Provide three examples of checks held by any three branches of our government.
7. Describe the process by which the Constitution is amended.
8. What is federalism? What are some advantages and disadvantages of federalism?
9. What are the three categories of power held by the national government?
10. Briefly describe the US Supreme Court case McCulloch v. Maryland. What was the primary question before the Court, and what did the Court decide?
Economies of scale and economies of scope
: Pick one of the following terms for your research: economies of scale, economies of scope, global companies, global teams, globalization strategy,
Interest groups are negative factor in politics
: I believe that interest groups' intent is beneficial at times, but more than often, interest groups are a negative factor in politics.
Democracy in texas
: I believe that interest groups are mainly a good thing for a democracy in Texas because it helps give the people a voice.
How do investors measure the risk
: How do investors measure the risk? of individual common stocks? Please describe one of these methods in detail
Define the terms politics and government
: Define the terms politics and government. What was the "Great Compromise" relative to the framing of the Constitution?
Fiscal federalism-discussing various revenue structures
: Fiscal Federalism, the authors spend a great deal of time discussing the various revenue structures of local, state, and the federal government.
Conflict between israelis and palestinians
: What are the sources of the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians?
Anti-miscegenation statutes
: Analyze Anti-Miscegenation Statutes in the United States and choose two relevant cases. Explain the significance of this statute to the Defense of Marriage Act.
Population and health
: What can you often assume about the socio-economic circumstances and the well-being of the population in a country