Reference no: EM132922902
Architecture System
Review Questions
1. Define the term system architecture. Define the term scalability, and explain why it is important to consider scalability in system design.
System architecture defines the structure of a software system. This is usually a series of diagrams that illustrate services, components layers and interactions. A systems architecture document may also cover other elements of a solution including business architecture, technology architecture, security architecture, security architecture and data architecture. Scalability is an essential component of enterprise software. Prioritizing it from the start leads to lower maintenance costs, better user experience, and higher agility. Software design is balancing the act where developers work to create the best product within a client's time and budget constraints.
2. When selecting an architecture, what items should a systems analyst consider as part of the overall design checklist +
A system analyst must consider following in the overall design checklist:
» Corporate organization and culture = An information system must perform well in a company's organization and culture
» Enterprise resource planning (ERP) = Establish a company-wide strategy for using IT that includes a specific architecture, standards for data, processing, network, and user interface design
» Initial and total cost of ownership (TCO) = TCO includes tangible purchases, fees, and contracts called hard costs
» Scalability = A system's ability to expand, change, or downsize easily to meet the changing needs of a business enterprise
» Web integration = Will the application be part of an e-commerce strategy and what is the degree of integration with other Web-based Components
» Legacy system interface requirements = A new system might have to interface with one or more legacy systems, which are older systems that use outdated technology, but still are functional
» Processing options = Will the system process data online or in batches?
» Security issues = Security threats and defenses are a major concern to a systems analyst
» Corporate portals
- Provide access for customers, employees, suppliers, and the public
-A well-designed portal can integrate with various other systems and provide a consistent look and feel
3. What is enterprise resource planning (ERP)? What is supply chain management?
Integrates all departments and functions throughout an organization into a single IT system (or integrated set of IT systems) so that employees can make enterprise-wide decisions by viewing enterprise-wide information on all business operations. The enterprise resource planning will offers to monitor and track activities across the channels in real-time, from a single platform.This improves information sharing, boosts interdepartmental communication, and minimizes the delay in decision making.
4. Explain the term server and provide an example of server-based processing; explain the term client and provide an example of client-based processing.
Server-based processing refers to terminals, which allows users to enter and access data from anywhere in the organization, regardless of where the centralized computer is located. Terminals include keyboard displays screens to handle input and output, but lacked independent processing capability. In a centralized design, the remote user's keystrokes are transmitted from his or her terminal to the mainframe, which responds by sending screen output back to the user's screen. A main advantage of server-based processing is that various types of terminals can communicate with the mainframe, and the design is not tied to specific hardware platform. A disadvantage is that it typically uses character-based terminals that produce a limited interface for users. In a server-based system, all data storage, access, and application programs are located on the mainframe. Client-based processing is where clients share data stored on a local server that supports a group of users or a department. As LANs became popular, the most common LAN configuration was a file server design. In a file server design, also called a file sharing architecture, an individual LAN client has a copy of the application program installed locally, while the data is stored on a central file server. Clients request copies of the data file and the server responds by transmitting the entire data file to the client.
5. Describe client/server architecture, including fat and thin clients, client/server tiers, and middleware.
Client/server architecture = generally refers to systems that divide processing between one or more networked clients and a central server
The client handles the entire user interface, including data entry, data query, and screen presentation logic
The server stores the data and provides data access and database management functions
legacy data = an installed base of data which is difficult to access and transport to a client/server environment
Client/Service is much better and more advanced giving better advantages than compared to Mainframe Systems
The Client's Role
Client/server relationship must specify how the processing will be divided between the client and the server
A fat client, also called a thick client design locates all or most of the application processing logic at the client
A fat client handles more of the processing and must access and update the data more often
A thin client design locates all or most of the processing logic at the server
Thin client designs provide better performance because program code resides on the server, near the data
less network traffic, faster performance because less traffic, lower initial cost because workstation hardware requirements are not as stringent, lower maintenance cost because most program code resides on the central server, and ease of development is more difficult because developers must optimize the division of processing logic
Client/Server Tiers
In a two-tier design = the user interface resides on the client, all data resides on the server, and the application logic can run either on the server or on the client, or be divided between the client and the server
In a three-tier design = the user interface runs on the client and the data is stored on the server but a middle layer between the client and server processes the client requests and translates them into data access commands that can be understood and carried out by the server
we can think of the middle layer as an application server because it provides application logic/business logic required by the system
also called n-tier designs to indicate that some designs use more than one intermediate layer
enhances overall performance by reducing the data server's workload
Middleware offers an interface to connect software and hardware
Middleware can integrate legacy systems and Web-based applications
Middleware is like glue that holds different applications together
Middleware represents the slash in the term client/server.
Middleware resembles the plumbing system in your home, it connects important objects in a way that requires little or attention
6. Describe the impact of the Internet on system architecture. Include examples.
System architecture is impacted by the internet. Except than a communication channel, internet can work as system development environment for IT observers. In internet based architecture, web server provides data and application logic and it also provides entire user interface in the form of HTML coded documents. These HTML documents can be interpreted by the browser of the client. Internet based architecture is totally different form of traditional client server architecture. Because in the client server architecture, data is handled by the server and the entire user interface is handled by the client and application logic is handled both client and the server but it internet based architecture all the three that is data, application logic and entire user interface is handled by the web server. Handling of the entire user interface by the web server helps in simplifying the entire process of data transmission and it also reduce complexity and hardware cost. By internet based architecture, reliable, cost effective and efficient solutions are provided by the IT firms. Emerging and available technologies are used by system analyst for planning new system for meeting business requirement of the company.
7. Explain the difference between online processing and batch processing and provide an example of each type.
Online Processing
• early computer systems were designed to handle data records as a group, or batch; few if any systems use that model today
• online system = handles transactions when and where they occur and provides output directly to users (avoids delays and allows a constant dialog between the user and the system)
Four Typical Characteristics
1. the system processes transactions completely when and where they occur
2. users interact directly with the information system
3. users can access data randomly
4. the information system must be available whenever necessary to support business functions
Batch Processing: Still With Us After All These Years = can be used for large amounts of data that must be processed on a routine schedule, such as weekly paychecks, daily credit card transaction updates, or closing stock data that must be calculated and published
1.) Tasks can be planned and run on a predetermined schedule, without user involvement
2.) Batch programs that require major network resources can run at times when costs, and impact on other traffic, will be lowest
3.) A batch method is well-suited to address security, audit, and privacy concerns, because it runs in a relatively controlled environment
Real-World Examples
• point-of-sale (POS) terminals = part of an online system that handles daily sales transactions and maintains an up-to-date inventory file
• trigger a series of online and batch processing events
• the system uses online processing to handle data entry and inventory updates, while reports and accounting entries are performed in a batch
• when the salesperson enters the transaction, online processing occurs
8. Explain the difference between a LAN and a WAN, define the term topology, and draw a sketch of each wired and wireless network model. Also describe the IEEE 802.11g and 802.11n amendments, and multiple input-multiple output (MIMO) technology.
Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) = is relatively inexpensive to install and is well-suited to
• can provide enormous flexibility, but cabling cost can be substantial
Wireless Network Standards
• Most popular is IEEE 802.11 = a family of standards developed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for wireless LANs
• 802.11g = offered increased bandwidth and was widely accepted by the IT industry
• 802.11n = uses multiple input/multiple output (MIMO) technology to boost performance
• MIMO = relies on multiple data paths, also called multipath design, to increase bandwidth and range
• 802.11ac and 802.11ad = latest proposed standards that are currently being tested
Wireless Network Topologies
• Two Most Common Network Topologies Available for IEEE 802.11 WLANs are:
A.) Basic Service Set (BSS) / Infrastructure Mode = has a central wirelessdevice called an access point or wireless access point (WAP) to serve all wireless clients
B.) Extended Service Set = is made up of two or more Basic Service Set networks
• Using an ESS topology, wireless access can be expanded over a larger area
9. Explain the differences between the BSS, ESS, and ISS wireless topologies. Which is rarely used in business? To what kind of network do the 802.16 standards apply?
The Basic Service Set (BSS) is used to describe the collection of systems that may communicate together within a network. The Extended Service Set (ESS) is similar to BSS but it covers a vast area compared to it. The BSS may or may not include an Access Point wireless to provide the signal to all devices wirelessly but ESS used one or more Access Point wirelessly. The Access points are the devices that create a WLAN. The area of service in BSS is less compared to ESS. Both Service sets are in 802.11 network topologies.
In 802.16 Family uses WMAN (Wireless Metropolitan Area Network) topologies. This family of standards uses Wireless Access points to create Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks (WMAN.) Systems that using 802.16 standards go through with WiMAX technology.
The main tasks that are performed during systems implementation:
• Application development: In this phase, we develop the block of codes and basic documentation to understand the system.
• Testing: In this phase, we test the system complete that all functionalities will be executing perfectly or not.
• Installation: In this phase, we install the system and environment of the system.
• Evaluation: After using the system fully evaluate the system fully in technical or GUI terms.
10. List the sections of a system design specification, and describe the contents.
System Design Specification = A document that presents the complete design for the new information system, along with detailed costs, staffing, and scheduling for completing the next SDLC phase systems Implementation
A typical system design specification typically includes the following sections:
1.) Management Summary
• A brief overview of the project for company managers and executives
• Outlines the development efforts to date, provides a current status report, summarizes project costs, reviews the benefits of the new system, presents the systems implementation schedule, and highlights any issues that management will need to address
2.) System Components
• Contains the complete design for the new system, including the user interface, outputs, inputs, files, databases, and network specifications.
• Includes source documents, report and screen layouts, DFDs, and all other relevant documentation.
• Also includes the requirements for backup and recovery, start-up processing, and file retention and any interface information required between the package and the system being developed
3.) System Environment
• Describes the constraints, or conditions, affecting the system, including any requirements that involve operations, hardware, systems software,or security
4.) Implementation Requirements
• Specifies start-up processing, initial data entry or acquisition, usertraining requirements, and software test plans
5.) Time and Cost Estimates
• Provides detailed schedules, cost estimates, and staffing requirements for the systems development phase and revised projections for the remainder of the SDLC as well as total costs-to-date for the project and compare those costs with your prior estimates
6.) Additional Material
• Other material can be included at the end of the system design specification such as documents from earlier phases if they would be helpful to readers
User Approval
• Users must review and approve the interface design, report and menu designs, data entry screens, source documents, and other areas ofthe system that affect them
• Ensures that you do not have a major task of obtaining approvals at the end
• Keeps the users involved with the system's development
• Gives you feedback about whether or not you are on target
• Give you an opportunity to explain the system, answer questions, consider comments, and secure final approval
• The first presentation is technically oriented - to the systems analysts, programmers, and technical support staff members who will be involved in future project phases or operational support for the system
• Next presentation is to department managers and users from departments affected by the system
• Final presentation is delivered to management
Discussion Topics
1. Information technology has advanced dramatically in recent years. At the same time, enormous changes in the business world have occurred as companies reflect global competition and more pressure for quality, speed, and customer service. Did the new technology inspire the business changes, or was it the other way around?
The new technology did inspire the business changes in the current economy. The development of the information technology has become the driving force of innovation, development, growth and the productivity of the economy (Laudon & Laudon, 2016). Most of the business has made use of the new technology through the utilization of the phones and computers to make their work easier and service delivery to their clients much easier than the old technology. The current changes in the effective communication to the customers through an online business have been due to the development of the new technology that has been adopted recently. The laser printers and others have been used by business to produce good and excellent work that satisfy the needs of the clients through speed and quality work as compared to the previous technology which could take much time.
Moreover, the global competition as a result of the technology has been a factor in development for most of the firms. Therefore, due to the competition and the desire to remain in the market, it forced the managers of the companies to use the UPS software application to generate for them the reports for the better planning and generation of the supply routes. Therefore, the competition and the new technology have worked for the better of the service delivery in the economy. The new technology has enhanced the competitor to develop new ways of doing things that have improved the standard and the shift of marketing and service delivery in the economy. Therefore, through this, the clients have been taken to be of much importance as the firms increase in client's communication (Laudon & Laudon, 2016).
2. Internet-based sales have shown explosive growth in recent years. How does B2B interaction differ from consumer-based Internet marketing, and why is it growing so rapidly?
B2B interaction can differ based on the following 6 dimensions.
• Value driven marketing - In B2B marketing, continuously importance is given to the actual value proposition. The marketer is focused solely on solving one of the problems of the client.
But, in consumer-based marketing, emotions and guts get importance in about cases.
• B2B requires extra team consensus in order to finalize. The bigger the deal, the more people are involved in decision making. Similarly, people for different divisions with different background tend to contribute and which in turn acts as modifiers to the requirement.
• B2B relates towards a high level of impact in the business. If the client is a famous name, the supplier can become famous in the stock market just by getting a deal after the client irrespective of the deal size. Vice versa can also be a truth when the supplier is famous in its industry.
• Consumer marketing cannot always demand a high level of interaction with the consumers. This is due to the limit of knowledge of the consumers. Yet, the clients of B2B involves high level professional with deep knowledge of the product and the level of interaction involves a lot of information flow.
• In the case of B2B marketing, long term relationship is more important than making the profit out of that particular deal. For consumer marketing, profitability and developing a large customer base becomes the priority. According to this principle, the marketing strategy should follow.
• The marketer may need to present a large amount of information and references in case of a B2B deal. This can not a requirement for consumer based marketing. Emotions may surpass information for consumer based marketing.
Internet marketing growing rapidly;
• Further 50% of the total USpopulation and more than 75% of the US adults are online. Due tohigh growth of ‘Mobility', customers are permanently online withtheir device. The web-based marketing confirms that the marketinginformation and awareness is always on anywhere the customer moveswith his / her device. Internet isdesigned for everyone and there is very little restriction based on country or origin. Then, through internet marketing, one can reach a global market without paying any extra cost or without putting any extra effort.
Different search engine optimization (SEO) and analytics platform can provide the marketer the exact measurable results that he or she might be requiring to understand the effectiveness of the campaign. One of the reasons in pretty much straightforward - cost effectiveness. Precision marketing is not very easy with the traditional approach of marketing. Still, with the help of technology used the internet marketing approach, it is possible to index the search results and then match those results with your product category and display those products with that searches only.
3. This chapter described seven guidelines that a systems analyst might use when considering an architecture. In your view, are all the items of equal weight and importance, or should some be ranked higher? Justify your position.
The reason for this point of view is that all the guideline has own importance.
» While creating a new system, it is important that the system must be scalable and secure. The TCO is also important to calculate because it includes the overall cost of the system designed such as software and hardware and network and other component cost.
» Processing options is not so importance because an organization can adopt any processing option according to its need.
» Legacy system interface requirement is also not as important as ERP and TCO because an old system is connected to a legacy system for transferring data.
» Although the data can be transferred by other methods too so this guideline is also not so important.
4. One manager states, "When a new system is proposed, I want a written report, not an oral presentation, which is like a sales pitch. I only want to see the facts about costs, benefits, and schedules." Do you agree with that point of view?
1. Visit the IT department at your school or a local company to determine what type of network it is using. Draw a sketch of the network configuration.
In a school or college, there may be need of data sharing or sharing the printer hence local area network is used because the resource sharing is allowed by the local area network. A local area network is used in college campus. It is defined as the network which covers a very small area. A local area network consists of workstation and server.
A server is categorized as the computers which are connected to the computer. Generally, humans cannot access the server directly but file sharing, printer and other resource sharing and many more services are provided by the server, users can interact with the server via workstation. A workstation can be defined as the desktop which consist of keyboard, mouse and a display too. A workstation can be laptop, iPhone, iPad.
2. Prepare a 10-minute talk explaining Web 2.0 and cloud computing to a college class. Using the text and your own Internet research, briefly describe the five most important points you will include in your presentation.
Cloud computing:
» Cloud computing is defined as the concept in which a large number of computer are involved that are connected with a real time communication network.
» Cloud computing is generally a metaphor for the internet.
» In cloud computing users can connect to internet for accessing services and personal content by the help of online software and data environment.
» When a user logs into the local computer and start performing his work then cloud computing will helps in spreading the workload to the remote system that is a cloud's part.
» All the computing is performed by the cloud while the user work on the local computer.
Advantages of cloud computing are as follow:
» By using cloud computing, there will not be any compatibility issue as all the computing is done by the cloud.
» No maintenance and update is required.
» Scaling on demand is also provided by the cloud computing because when there is more work load then additional clouds are added automatically for handling the workload.
Disadvantages of cloud computing are as follow:
» More bandwidth is required by the cloud computing
» Cloud computing is an internet based architecture so when the user lost his internet connection, he will not be able to access any cloud computing service.
» Security issue is also present with cloud computing for sending data over internet.
Examples of cloud computing:
» Windows Azure
» Compiere
» Amazon
» Elastic computer cloud
3. Perform research on the Internet to identify an ASP that offers Web-based business solutions, and write a brief memo describing the firm and its services.
Application service provider refers to the organizations that provide services that are computer based to the customers. ‘GoDaddy' is an example of Application Service Provider. This is a web hosting company.
4. Perform research on the Internet to learn about trends in wireless networking, and typical costs involved in the installation of a wireless LAN.
Three topologies are used by wireless area network which are as follows:
» BSS (Basic service set): It provides the facilities to communicate with each other using the wireless medium.
» ESS (Extended service set): It is the combination of multiple BSS which is used for forming single sub network.
» ISS (Independent service set): ad-hoc network is also known as independent basic service set. It is a network which includes multiple stations for communicating without any infrastructure.
Mode of operation of Wireless LAN is as follows:
» Ad-hoc: In Ad-hoc mode, peer to peer connection is used for transferring the mobile units.
» Infrastructure mode: In infrastructure mode, access points are used for communication.
Apply Your Knowledge
Situation: Digital Dynamics
After three years as a successful Web design firm in Southern California, Digital Dynamics has decided to add two new business ventures: a group that specializes in supplying qualified employees to high-tech firms and a training division that offers online courses in advanced Web design and e-commerce skills. As a senior systems analyst, you have been asked to study the situation and make recommendations.
1. Should Digital Dynamics adopt ERP? What specific advantages would ERP offer?
As an emerging medium scale web design firm, ‘Digital Dynamics' should adopt ERP as soon as possible. For growth of business ERP is highly recommend in this situation.
The company will be beneficial in different ways if it use ERP. Some of the advantages of using ERP are:
» An ERP will set specifications and information structure for the company.
» It will provide protocols and standards of communication for the company.
» Add more flexibility for working as a group on projects.
» Help in maintaining student database and use that effectively.
» Help in keeping records about its students, employees, projects, etc.,
2. How could the concept of supply chain management apply to a company's service-based division? Provide some specific suggestions.
Supply Chain Management helps in better responses to customer and taking faster actions. If ‘Digital Dynamics' extends their ERP to add SCM they will be able to deliver better services for their customers, who are either high tech firm or students in this case.
In case of high-tech firm, if a firm asks for some skilled employee, ‘Digital Dynamics' can search employees for that particular skill from its database and can give quicker response to the customer. Or the customer can look for the employee from the ‘Digital Dynamics' database, if allowed, and bid for that employee, in that case, the company will either accept the bid or negotiate.
3. Should Digital Dynamics use separate portals for employees, customers, and suppliers?
The customer base of ‘Digital Dynamics' has two vastly different categories. One is High-Tech firm and another is student of web designing. For firms the suppliers are skilled employees and for student suppliers are skilled teachers. Their needs are different. The communication with firms is different from that students. Different set of functionalities should be offered to both categories. So ‘Digital Dynamics' should use different portals for these customers and suppliers.
4. Is the experience of other companies relevant? Use the Internet to locate examples of Web-based firms that offer personnel services and technical training. How would you evaluate the Web sites you visited? What specific features impressed you favorably or unfavorably?
The other companies same from the domain that is web design services offer almost same type of services but sometimes with variations. Most of them either offer web design services or only training. Some of them offer small applications for web interfaces etc.
One such example is ‘Nozzie Web Solutions' which offers web design services as well as wed training. But this is not favorable because the look and feel of their site is not impressive.
The professional, net and clean look of the sites offering web design services is impressive. They also offer wide range of cutting edge technologies in their services. For websites offering training, the impressive part is their flexible timing, course structure, certifications, etc.
1 R/Way Trucking
As you learned earlier in this chapter, R/Way is a small but rapidly growing trucking company headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio. R/Way's information system currently consists of a file server and three workstations where freight clerks enter data, track shipments, and prepare freight bills. To perform their work, the clerks obtain data from a file server and use database and spreadsheet programs stored on stand-alone PCs to process the data. At your meeting yesterday, R/Way's president approved your recommendation to create a relational database to handle R/Way operations and provide links for R/Way shippers and customers.
1. Review the concept of supply chain management. Although R/Way offers services rather than products, could that concept apply to the design of R/Way's new system? If so, how?
R/Way trucking is a company which sells service rather than product. Though it is a bit different and difficult for customers to purchase service instead of products, but supply chain management can play a good role here.
The advantages of supply chain management are faster responses to customers and providing them better customer care services.
In case of R/Way trucking, if supply chain management is introduced then there will be no need for the customers to wait until their requests will be accepted through freight clerks. They can issue service requests by their own and from anywhere.
It will be reviewed by the R/Way trucking and consequent orders for shipment order and preparation of freight bills will be issued for that service request.
Customer will get the service and will pay the bill. The whole process will consume less time and it will be more customer-friendly.
2. What would be the advantages of selecting an Internet-based architecture for R/Way's system?
3. Should R/Way's new system be based on file-server or client/server architecture? Why?
4. What would be the pros and cons of selecting in-house development versus a packaged solution for the R/Way system?
2 Nothing But Net
Nothing But Net is an IT consulting firm that specializes in e-commerce solutions. As a newly hired systems analyst, you have been asked to research some current topics.
1. Obtain at least two estimates of how much consumers are projected to spend on Internet purchases during the next three years. Are the estimates similar? If not, which forecast do you believe, and why?
2. Many of Nothing But Net's customers are start-up firms that must fight hard to attract investment capital, and many traditional lending institutions are skeptical of new Web-based firms. Perform research to determine the mortality rate of new e-commerce firms that use the Web as their primary marketing channel, and write a brief memo that describes the results of your research.
3. Some IT professionals predict that traditional companies will increase their Internet marketing efforts, making it even harder for new Web-based firms to compete. Perform research to find out more about the topic and share your results with the class.
4. Suppose you were asked to draft a sales brochure for Nothing But Net. List all the services in which potential customers might be interested.
3 Aunt Ann's Kitchen
Aunt Ann's Kitchen offers a line of specialty food products to institutional customers and restaurant chains. The firm prides itself on using only the finest ingredients and preparation methods. The owner, Ann Rose, hired you as an IT consultant to help her plan the system architecture for a new WLAN that will connect employee computers to the main (wired) network. She asked you to start with the following questions:
1. What possible IEEE 802.11 amendments could be used for the new system? What are the pros and cons of each amendment?
In planning of a WLAN for the new system of Aunt Ann's Kitchen, anyone from IEEE 802.11 Amendments that are, IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11b, IEEE 802.11g and IEEE 802.11n, can be used for preparing the new system.
Pros and Cons of the Amendments:
The pros and cons of each possible amendment are as follows:
» IEEE 802.11a: This can work at a maximum speed of 54 Mbps and gives coverage up to 100 feet. Aunt Ann's kitchen has sparsely connected employees so the network coverage should be more.
They do not need to share or access large multimedia files so they don't need a bandwidth hungry connection. If IEEE 802.11a is used then it will need to install more access points to provide more coverage and bandwidth will not be properly utilized.
» IEEE 802.11b: It can give speed up to 11 Mbps and network coverage up to 300 feet. As per need of bandwidth and network coverage of Aunt Ann's kitchen, this can serve well their needs. Fewer access points will be needed.
» IEEE 802.11g: It gives almost same network speed and coverage as IEEE 802.11a bus uses different technology.
» IEEE 802.11n: It can give more than 200 Mbps speed for network coverage of 300 feet. Though it can serve the needs of Aunt Ann's Kitchen well but they are not supposed to fully utilize its services.
2. Choose an amendment to implement and explain your choice.
3. Suppose that microwave ovens and cordless telephones are used extensively in some parts of the facility. Would that affect your IEEE 802.11 amendment choice? If so, why?
4. Suppose that the new WLAN will also provide roaming services for employees with portable notebook computers. Which wireless topology will be required?
The wireless topology that would be the best choice will be the Extended Services Set (ESS)
• There are two types of service sets that are used to provide connection to the computers and they function with the access points they are the basic service sets and the extended services set Extended services set are used to establish connections across more than two Access Points and this type of connection is used because this can provide data in the roaming conditions Topology refers to the way in which the systems are interconnected and there are different types of topology like the star, mesh and bus.
Case Study 1: New Century Health Clinic
New Century Health Clinic
New Century Health Clinic offers preventive medicine and traditional medical care. In your role as an IT consultant, you will help New Century develop a new information system.
The New Century clinic associates accepted your interface, output, input, and data designs and your recommendation to install a server and four personal computers as clients on a local area network. The network will include a tape backup unit and Internet access via a modem that can exchange data with insurance companies. A high-speed laser printer and an impact printer for multipart forms will be accessible by any of the four PCs. Now you will determine system architecture for the New Century system.
When you created ERDs and record designs for New Century during the data design process in Chapter 9, you considered whether to use a file-processing or database approach. As you know, each strategy has advantages and disadvantages, depending on the specific hardware and software environment and business requirements. At this point, you must decide which way to proceed, and Dr. Jones will accept your recommendation (with your instructor's approval). You should start by reviewing the DFDs and object-oriented diagrams that you prepared in the systems analysis phase, and the ERDs and table designs that you created in the systems design phase. Then, review the system architecture checklist at the beginning of this chapter.
1. What would be the advantages of selecting an Internet-based architecture for the New Century system?
The advantages of selection of internet based architecture for New Century Health Clinic's system are as follows:
• The clients will be lightly loaded. Only with a web browser they can access the database and fetch required information. Other departments like, insurance, can also access the database if they are connected to the main server.
• For connection between departmental systems the Internet can be used as a medium.
2. Should the New Century system be based on file-server or client/server architecture? Why?
With limited tape backup system it is a bit difficult for New Century Health Clinic's system to establish client/server architecture. So, they can set up file server architecture. Only four machines are connected to the LAN so they can retrieve the files from the server, do the processing at those machines and provide the updated results to the server for further use.
3. Could the New Century system use both online and batch processing? How?
Yes, the new system can use both the online and batch processing but it depends upon the requirement. Online processing is used when the departments like, insurance want to retrieve and fetch information in real time.
Batch processing is used when the sales, report generation can be done when the bulk data is stored on the tape and processed every day.
4. Prepare an outline for a system design specification and describe the contents of each section.
Like all system design document a cover page, table of contents and index are present in the system design document of New Century Health Clinic. Besides those other parts of the document are as follows:
• Management Summary: A brief summary of system developed till date. It includes reviews of the benefits of the new system, current status report, summary of project costs, the systems implementation schedule etc. along with highlighted issues which need to be considered.
• System Components: This is the detailed design of the new system. It includes the source document, user interface designs, input/output specifications, database and network architecture specification etc.
• System Environment: The environment under which the system will work. All possible conditions and constraints of operations, hardware, software, security etc., which plays important role for the system, must be written here.
• Implementation Requirements: Details about start-up processing, initial data-entry, acquisitions, requirements for user training, test plans of software etc. should be put down here.
• Estimation of Time and Cost: The schedule details, cost estimations, staffing requirements etc. should be present here.
• Additional Material: If any other useful documentation is present, that should be included here.
Personal Trainer, Inc., owns and operates fitness centers in a dozen Midwestern cities. The centers have done well, and the company is planning an international expansion by opening a new "supercenter" in the Toronto area. Personal Trainer's president, Cassia Umi, hired an IT consultant, Susan Park, to help develop an information system for the new facility. During the project, Susan will work closely with Gray Lewis, who will manage the new operation.
Susan and Gray finished their work on the user interface, input, and output design. They developed a user-centered design that would be easy to learn and use. Now Susan turned her attention to the architecture for the new system.
Susan wanted to consider enterprise resource planning, total cost of ownership, scalability, Web integration, legacy systems, processing methods, and security issues. She also needed to select a network plan, or topology, that would dictate the physical cabling and network connections, or consider a wireless network. When all these tasks were completed, she would submit a system design specification for approval.
1. Would an ERP strategy work well for Personal Trainer? Investigate ERP strategies and products available from Internet vendors and submit a recommendation based on your research.
Yes, an ERP strategy will work in this case. An ERP integrates departmental systems of an organization with a central database management system. Here it will integrate the different fitness centers of Personal Trainer Inc. with the ‘supercenter', where the central DBMS will be installed.
A recommendation for ERP strategies and products for Personal Trainer Inc. is Microsoft Dynamics AX and Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Microsoft Dynamics AX product is designed to support multi-currency and multi-language ERP business solution and offers features for comprehensive global business management.
As Personal Trainer Inc. is planning to expand their business at international level, so this ERP solution will be beneficial for them.
The business management features of Microsoft Dynamics AX includes human resources, financial, operation management etc. along with Microsoft Dynamics AX the other product is Microsoft Dynamics CRM, which will help them to manage better customer relationships.
It provides sales, service and marketing capabilities also. There is choice of buying this, either as on-premise software or as software-as-a-service, which is known as Microsoft Dynamics CRM online.
2. If Susan chooses a client/server architecture, what issues must she consider? Prepare a checklist for her that includes the main topics and issues she should consider.
3. What would be the benefits of using a wireless network? What would be the drawbacks?
Main advantages and disadvantages of wireless networks are listed below.
• Reduced expenditure = Main advantage of Wireless networks is reduced expenditure on copper cabling (for small networks).
• Mobility = Wireless networks have the convenience of mobility. Employees can change their desk easily without any additional cabling.
• Scalability = Number of devices in a Wireless network can be increased without any additional cabling. In cabled LAN networks, additional copper cabling is required to increase the number of employees.
4. Prepare an outline for a system design specification and describe the contents of each section.
Management Summary: This will outline the development efforts up to this date. We will provide a status report of the implementation of the entire system as well as showing a breakdown costs. Costs include the amount being spent on materials as well as overhead. We will show the pros/cons on of the new system and highlight any issues the new system may arise.
System Components: This section will breakdown the complete overhaul of our new system. We will show the new user interface for the website and in person guest logins. We will show how our system with process the access pass swiping in and swiping out. We will breakdown how the front desk computers, the cafe computers, and other first floor computers communicate with the central server. Since we are integrating Cloud services, we will show howwe used to back up data on a physical server but now are moving towards Cloud drives.
System Environments: This will show the constraints of our Access Pass system and how it will affect the software/hardware on our main floor. Legacy computers will have to be scrapped since our new software is not compatible with Windows XP. Our software requires faster processing speeds and more system memory. We have also chosen to overhaul our old firewall in order to protect the data of our clients better.
Implementation Environments: This will break down the training schedule and material for new users (our employees) and our test plans as we plan to build on top of our system after launch day.
Time and Cost Estimates: This will breakdown detailed schedules for all employees, our new payroll system, and our new staffing requirements since we are moving to a new area and a newer, larger building. Total costs to date are outlined but an estimated of end-date costs are projected.
1. Rick Williams asked you to suggest software products that can provide network management features suitable for a network with 25-50 users. You can use the Internet to research the topic.
2. In the Background section of the SWL case, you learned that True Blue Systems had recommended a local area network to link the various headquarters departments to the SWL mainframe. Should a wireless network have been considered? Your task is to research wireless network products and submit a recommendation for a WLAN installation, supported by an explanation of wireless advantages and possible limitations. Be sure to consider flexibility, scalability, and security issues.
3. Assume that the recommendation you made in the preceding task was accepted. Now you have been asked to develop a specific budget for a WLAN that would consist of 50 workstations. You need to research the TCO of this project, including the cost of hardware, software, installation, and maintenance. You can make reasonable assumptions where you might not have specific facts, but you should state those assumptions clearly.
4. Michael Jeremy, finance vice president, has been reading about cloud computing in his favorite IT magazine, and he is considering the possibility of using the concept at SWL. He asked you to answer the following questions: What would be the benefits of a cloud computing architecture? What would be the disadvantages? What are examples of cloud computing services currently available? Perform research on the Internet and prepare a brief report for him.
Although the spec was for a Model XP server, Network Illusions delivered a newer model, called the DX+. The vendor sales rep said that performance would be the same or better, but the IT team decided to run a series of response time tests. The results are as follows:
Actual Data: Server Model DX+ Number of Users 10 20 30 40 50 Response Time (sec) .01 .015 .02 .03 .05
Challenge Tasks
A. Use the actual test data to create another XY chart, similar to the first one. Describe the results and your interpretation of the data.
B. Draw the same network as a star topology with a central switch. Also determine how many separate data paths are needed in a mesh network that has six nodes.
Task 1. Use the actual test data to create another XY chart, similar to the first one. Describe the results and your interpretation of the data.
Task 2. Draw the same network as a star topology with a central switch. Also determine how many separate data paths are needed in a mesh network that has six nodes
Attachment:- System Architecture.rar