Define the term gross domestic product

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM131524078

Assignment: Circular Flow Model, GDP, and Inflation

Imagine the chief executive officer (CEO) of General Motors (GM) is concerned that members of the GM's strategic planning committee are unfamiliar with basic economic principles. The CEO has assigned you the task of developing a 1,050-word report to review those basic principles.

Your report should include an introduction and a conclusion. The message, Thesis Statements, Introductions, and Conclusions,

Use the bolded words/phrases shown below as first-level headings for your paper. Your paper should discuss the:Roles of Economists. Explain the role of an economist as a scientist as well as a policymaker. Include at least one real-world example of an economist (a real person) and the role he or she plays.

• Circular Flow Model. Explain the interconnections displayed in the circular flow model with specific real-world examples of: (1) households, (2) firms, (3) product (goods/services) market, and (4) factor markets. Be sure you explain the flow of money and goods in an economy.

• Allocation of Resources. Explain how an economy's scarce resources are allocated among households, firms, and government agencies by: (1) the forces of supply and demand, (2) prices, and (3) government policies. Include at least one specific real-world example of one of the above allocation mechanisms.

• Gross Domestic Product. Define the term gross domestic product (GDP) and provide a specific real-world example of each of the four major components of GDP.

• Consumer Price Index. Explain the five steps involved in how the consumer price index (CPI) is constructed.

The course text lists three problems inherent in the measuring changes in the cost of living - from your experience as a consumer, provide a specific real-world example of one of those three problems.

Hints: Use the following chapters from Mankiw's Principles of Macroeconomics as your source of background information;

• Chapter 2 (Thinking Like an Economist).
• Chapter 4 (The Market Forces of Supply and Demand).
• Chapter 6 (Supply, Demand, and Government Policies).
• Chapter 7 (Consumers, Producers, and the Efficiency of Markets).
• Chapter 10 (Measuring a Nation's Income).
• Chapter 11 (Measuring the Cost of Living).

Text Book: National Bureau of Economic Research.

Reference no: EM131524078

Questions Cloud

Internal revenue service : The single most important health policy choice in the United States over the past four decades has nothing to do with the Department.
Capital expenditures have been made since acquisition : Assume no capital expenditures have been made since acquisition.
Find probability of no chocolate chips in given cookies : If the number of chocolate chips in a chocolate-chip cookie follows a Poisson where the average is 3.6 chocolate chips per cookie.
What is the best form of ownership : your friend only wants to supply capital and not be involved in the day to day, management and related issues. What is the best form of ownership?
Define the term gross domestic product : Define the term gross domestic product (GDP) and provide a specific real-world example of each of the four major components of GDP.
Numerical value of when the price of good : (a) What is the numerical value of when the price of good 1 is $3? (b) What is the numerical value of when the price of good 2 is $3?
Locate one nursing theory and one non-nursing theory : Locate one nursing theory and one non-nursing theory. Describe how two practitioners can bring these separate theories together to provide meaningful care.
Question on closed and open innovation : The closed innovation model is in place when a business is developing all of its own new ideas, technologies, and endeavors completely in-house.
Discuss the types of distribution : Typically, the more information we have, the better estimates we can make. However, we mentioned that when using the alternative parameter method.


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