Define the term brand equity and state its benefits

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM133407


(a) Brand elements are those trademarkable devices that serve to identify and differentiate the brand. List the criteria that are taken into consideration to put in place brand elements and support your answer with examples

(b) A brand audit is carried out to profile consumer knowledge. Outline the main elements of brand audit and support your answer with examples?

(c) Define the term brand equity and state its benefits?


(a) Identify the major differences between the behavioural and the cognitive explanations of how sales promotions works?

(b) Evaluate the main drivers behind the growth of direct marketing. How might these drivers change in the future?

(c) Write brief notes outlining the difference between absolute and relative costs in advertising


(a) How do you improve brand image over time, support your answer with examples?

(b) Marketers need to understand consumer behaviour and the considerations sets that consumers adopt in making brand choices. In the light of the above statement, define and elaborate with clear examples on points of difference and points of parity?

(c) Discuss the view that public relations can only ever be a support tool in the marketing communications mix


You are required to write short notes on all of the following

(a) Examine the key variables affecting international marketing communications?

(b) Discuss the adaptation versus standardization debate about marketing communication strategy

(c) Explain the ways in which advertising agencies have developed to meet the international communication requirements of their clients?

Reference no: EM133407

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