Define the strategic plan for your mcdonald''s

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM1327862

I need guideance for the following question.

Implementation, Strategic Controls, and Contingency Plans for McDonald's

Define the strategic plan for your McDonald's, including the following:

I need guidance for the following question.

Implementation, Strategic Controls, and Contingency Plans for McDonald's

Define the strategic plan for your McDonald's, including the following:

1. Implementation plan (input Gantt chart)


---Functional tactics

----Action items

----Milestones and a deadline

----Tasks and task ownership

-----Resource allocation

2. Any required organizational change management strategies that would enhance successful implementation

3. Key success factors, budget, and forecasted financials, including a break-even chart

4. Risk management plan, including contingency plans for identified risks

Reference no: EM1327862

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